

start up

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1.[obn](新企业或工程)开办阶段的,启动时期的connected with starting a new business or project

start-up costs启动经费


1.刚成立的公司,新企业(尤指互联网公司)a company that is just beginning to operate, especially an Internet company




v.1.to bring a business, organization, or project into existence2.to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle

n.1.the process of starting a business or other activity, a small business that is just being started2.the process of switching on a computer

adj.1.just been started

1.启动 speech 语音 start-up 启动 subform 子窗体 ...

2.创业者 创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park 创业者 start-up 春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program ...

3.起动 停机 standstill 起动 start-up 切换运行 switching operation ...

4.投资对象对为处于创业期A.投资对象对为处于创业期(start-up)的中小型企业,而且多为高新技术企业; B.投资期限至少3-5年以上,投资方式一般为股权 …

5.新创公司新创公司(Start-up)依产品or商业的规模会有各个需要资金阶段,分别是Seed stage、Early stage、Expanding Stage、Pre-IPO…



8.启动测试支持性测试(Support Function)启动测试(Start-up)欠压测试(UVLO) 待机测试(Idle) 恒压区测试(Standard CV) 恒流区测试(Standa…


1.It would be neither a venture capital fund nor a start-up incubator such as Bill Gross's IdeaLab in Pasadena, but a bit of both.它既不是风险投资基金,也不是像比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)在加州帕萨迪纳创立的IdeaLab那样的初创企业孵化器,而是两者兼而有之。

2.There is a program calls Start-up Delayer, It can help to set after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boosts.有一个程序叫Start-upDelayer,它可以帮你设置在Windows启动之后,程序应该过多少时间才被加载。

3.It also means that start-up firms lacking the deep pockets of incumbents should be able to get a foot in the door.这也意味着缺乏资金的新公司也能在这行业里插上一脚。

4.In a fast-growing start-up, a founder needs to be very protective and strategic with how they spend their time.在一家快速发展的创业公司中,创始人必须对如何利用时间非常谨慎并富有策略。

5.do not open the door in a state of start-up trying to microwave ovens.不要在炉门开启状态下试图起动微波炉。

6.Twitter happens to be, oh, the hottest start-up in the digital-media business right now, so it'd probably be a good investment.Twitter正好是在数字媒体行业最受欢迎的新宠,所以买它大概会是笔不错的投资。

7.With the setup and prerequisites complete, start up the apppcation and examine what goes on behind the scenes as you step through it.在先决条件得到满足,并完成了应用程序的安装之后,启动应用程序,逐步操作并研究幕后所发生的事情。

8.The founder of a start-up typically raises organizational money by maxing out his or her credit cards and taking out a home equity loan.新企业的创办者一般通过充份利用自己的信用卡和房屋净值贷款(homeequityloan)来筹集创业资金。

9.The Tomcat server will now start up in Debug mode and bring up the Welcome. jsp page prompting for a user ID and password.TomcatServer现在将以Debug模式启动,并进入Welcome.jsp页面,该页面提示输入用户ID和密码。

10.Think of a large corporation pke Microsoft, trying to start up a new enterprise.假设一个大公司比如微软,想要建立一个新的企业。