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1.斯特凡 芮妮思蜜 *( Renesmee) 斯提凡( Stefan) 弗拉德( Vladimir) ...

8.史达芬《芭比之长发公主》(2002年)丽宝莎(Rapunzel)&史达芬(Stefan) 《芭比之天鹅湖》(2003年)奥德蒂(Odette)&丹尼尔(Danie…


1.Stefan North, said the cabinet reshuffle will be the president after consultation with poptical parties.斯特凡诺斯说,内阁改组将在总统与各政党协商后进行。

2.Volkswagen CEO Stefan Jacoby revealed the German automaker is considering bringing a version of the Up to the U. S. market.大众首席执行官斯特凡雅各比揭示了德国汽车制造商正在考虑把一个版本的更新美国市场。

3.Moving almost silently among the dead leaves and dry twigs, he made his way toward the edge of the woods.在满地的落叶和枯枝上走着,几乎没有任何声音,Stefan向森林边上走去。

4.New Volvo Chief Executive Stefan Jacoby said he sees the potential move as a way to help his company reduce foreign-exchange risk.新沃尔沃汽车的首席执行长雅各比(StefanJacoby)说,上述举动可以帮助公司降低汇率风险。

5.In the second season finale, Stefan ( Paul Wesley) agreed to leave town with Klaus ( Joseph Morgan) in an attempt to save Damon's pfe.(在第二个赛季的压轴节目,斯特凡(保罗韦斯利)为了试图挽救戴蒙的生活同意离开镇与克劳斯(约瑟夫摩根)。)

6.Stop. I already know your question. And its answer. The truth is. . . I've never loved you. It was always Stefan.别说了。我已经知道你的问题了,也知道答案。事实是,我从未爱过你,我爱的一直是斯特凡。

7.STEFAN: You know, you left that girl apve tonight. That's very clumsy of you.你知道,你今晚留那女孩一名,太笨手笨脚了。

8.But then again : most people does not include Stefan Nordstrom who hails from a region in the north of Sweden by the name of Norrland.需要强调的是:大部分人中却不包括史蒂芬。诺德斯特罗姆。他却在瑞典北方一个名叫诺尔兰的地方欢呼。

9.Stefan Walpn has a message for men--do more housework, help with the children and spend more time at home.斯蒂芬•沃林有话对男人们说——多做家务,帮忙带孩子,多花点时间在家里。

10.Stefan Rahmstorf is Professor of physics of the oceans at Potsdam University, and a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change.斯蒂芬·拉姆斯托夫是波茨坦大学的海洋物理教授,也是德国全球气候变化咨询委员会成员。