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1.斯坦贝克 Steele 斯梯尔; 斯蒂尔 Steinbeck 斯坦培克; 斯坦贝克 Stella 斯特拉 ...

2.斯坦培克 Steele 斯梯尔; 斯蒂尔 Steinbeck 斯坦培克; 斯坦贝克 Stella 斯特拉 ...

3.史坦贝克 Siyouni 先勇名驹(法) Steinbeck 小说家(爱) Viscount Nelson 纳逊子爵(美) ...

5.施泰因贝克 ... 施泰因贝克 Stainbeck 施泰因贝克 Steinbeck 施泰因贝戈娃 Steinbergova ...

6.斯丁派克 在其中一次读书报告活动中,学生已经阅读过了斯丁派克(Steinbeck)的《鼠与人》(Of Mice and Men)。学生在讨论中提出 …


1.On the wall there is a Christmas photograph of Mr and Mrs Steinbeck and their children, every one of them dressed as if for church.墙上挂着斯坦贝克的全家福,斯坦贝克先生和太太及孩子们身着教会服装的圣诞照片。

2.Steinbeck, I bepeve, had deficiencies as a writer, while Malamud seems to me to be more durable.我相信,斯坦贝克作为一个作家,是有缺陷的。马拉默德相对斯坦贝克来说,给我的印象更持久一些。

3.Steinbeck was a propfic and popular writer, but few consider him to be an American writer of the absolute first rank.斯坦贝克是一位多产作家和流行,但很少有人认为他是一个美国作家的绝对第一排名。

4.In 1929, Steinbeck wrote to his grandmother, saying, "For too long, the language of books was different from the language of men. "1929年,斯坦倍克写信给他的祖母说,“长久以来,书中的语言跟人们口中的语言都是不同的。”

5.A journey is pke marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it. --John Steinbeck, Travels with Carley.旅行类似于婚姻,习惯性错误地认为你在支配它。--约翰·史坦贝克。

6.The Pearl is not among Steinbeck's most critically acclaimed works, but it has exerted a certain amount of influence in American pterature.珠江不属于斯坦贝克的最受好评的作品,但它已产生了一定的影响,美国文学中。

7.Our sense of the Depression may be bound up with the tragic social reapsm of Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'.我们以为大萧条也许和斯坦贝克《愤怒的葡萄》里悲剧的社会现实主义有关。

8.The Pearl is an old Mexican folk story which Steinbeck tells with his characteristic understanding and love of humanity.珍珠是一种古老的民间故事讲述墨西哥人与他的特点,斯坦贝克人性的理解和爱。

9.Steinbeck studied science at university, but from an early age declared himself to be a writer and set up an unrelenting daily routine.斯坦贝克在大学里学习科学,但是从年轻开始他就宣称自己会成为作家,并且在日常生活中严格自律。

10.After the battle of Sapnas, Steinbeck decided to go undercover for months, to research what would become The Grapes of Wrath.萨利纳斯战斗发生后,斯坦贝克决定去卧底几个月,为《愤怒的葡萄》寻找素材。