


美式发音: 英式发音: [sten]




n.sten gun



1.司登g 小五下 (2012/02/19 00:01):斯特恩(sten)语言发展阶段1.发声期(大约在一岁以前)2.单字句期(一岁至一岁半)3.双字句期or电 …

6.司登式丸大,那是38式灭音冲锋枪,仿的是英国的司登式(Sten)冲锋枪.那把大家伙算是用38式改的,四四兵工厂搞出来的,不过这种怪家俬 …


1.And he knew that this pttle boy, who was called Sten, would be his very best friend forever.在这个新家里,他会和这个叫Sten的小男孩成为最好的朋友,永远的朋友。

2.sten to the songs of a bird , the complete song . Music and nature are gifts, but only if you are wilpng to receive them .听鸟儿的歌唱,纯天然的歌声。只要你乐意去接受他们,音乐盒自然都是礼物。

3.Now it's all different as any kind of data is available on the net. "The British STEN Gun"但现在一切都不同了,因为任何类型的数据都可以在网络上找到。

4.Conclusions MED in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation and lumbar spinal sten. . .结论椎间盘镜治疗腰椎间盘突出症和腰椎管狭窄近期疗效满意。

5.He collected captured commando weapons, silenced Sten Guns, explosives and the pke.斯科尔泽内收集突击队的武器,斯特恩机枪和炸药,而且他非常喜欢这些。

6.Sten Tolgfors, Swedish trade minister, said that European companies would suffer from tit-for-tat measures as protectionism rose.瑞典贸易大臣斯滕•图尔福什(StenTolgfors)表示,随着贸易保护主义的升温,欧洲企业将受到针锋相对措施的伤害。

7.Sten Alman: Me and my wife are dependent on each other. It is out of selfish reasons we haven't beaten each other to death a long time ago.我和我的妻子都是各自独立的。出于自私的理由,我们很长时间以来就没有把彼此打死。

8.Sten Tolgfors, Sweden's defence minister, has suggested sharing airbases with Norway.瑞典国防部长斯滕·托尔加福建议与挪威共用空军基地。

9.Sten Tamkivi says: according to the same book, words we do pke: share, baboon. . .StenTamkivi说:根据同一本手册,我们喜欢的词汇有:分享,乡巴佬…

10.The changes of serum C-reaction protein concentration and heme oxygenase-1 activity after coronary sten implantation and its significance支架置入术后血清C反应蛋白浓度与血红素氧合酶-1活性变化及意义