


美式发音: [stɪŋ] 英式发音: [stɪŋ]




过去式:stung  第三人称单数:stings  现在分词:stinging  搭配同义词

v.+n.take sting,feel sting

n.bite,wound,puncture,bite mark,tingle




1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)刺;蜇;叮to touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp pain

I was stung on the arm by a wasp.我的胳膊给黄蜂蜇了一下。

Be careful of the nettles─they sting!小心给荨麻扎着,荨麻有刺!

2.[i][t](使)感觉刺痛,感觉灼痛to feel, or to make sb feel, a sharp pain in a part of their body

I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment.我在割破的地方抹了点抗菌剂,一时间十分刺痛。

My eyes were stinging from the smoke.烟熏得我眼睛疼。

Tears stung her eyes.她流泪流得眼睛疼。

3.[t]激怒;使不安to make sb feel angry or upset

He was stung by their criticism.他们的批评使他心烦意乱。

They launched a stinging attack on the government.他们对政府进行了猛烈的抨击。

Their cruel remarks stung her into action.他们伤人的话激怒了她,使她采取了行动。

He was stung into answering in his defence.他被激怒了,不得不作出回应为自己辩护。

4.[t][oftpass](informal)~ sb (for sth)对(某人)敲竹杠;敲诈;欺诈to charge sb more money than they expected; to charge sb who did not expect to pay

I got stung for a £100 meal.我挨宰了,一顿饭吃了 100 英镑。


1.[c](昆虫的)螫针,刺;(植物的)刺,刺毛the sharp pointed part of an insect or creature that can go into the skin leaving a small, painful and sometimes poisonous wound

the sting of a bee蜜蜂的螫针

The scorpion has a sting in its tail.蝎子尾巴上有螫针。

2.[c]刺伤;蜇伤;叮伤a wound that is made when an insect, a creature or a plant stings you

A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。

3.[c][u](身体或心灵的)剧痛,痛苦any sharp pain in your body or mind

the sting of salt in a wound伤口上撒盐引起的剧痛

He smiled at her, trying to take the sting out of his words(= trying to make the situation less painful or difficult) .他冲她微微一笑,想使他的话不至于刺痛她。

4.[c](警察为抓捕罪犯而设的)圈套a clever secret plan by the popce to catch criminals

a sting operation to catch heroin dealers in Detroit在底特律设圈套抓捕海洛因贩子的行动

5.[c](罪犯诈骗钱财的)骗局,诡计a clever plan by criminals to cheat people out of a lot of money

IDMa sting in the tail(informal)煞风景的结局an unpleasant feature that comes at the end of a story, an event, etc. and spoils it



v.1.if an insect or an animal stings you, it hurts you by sticking a sharp part of its body into your skin; if a plant stings you, it makes a mark on your skin and hurts you when you touch it2.to have or cause a sudden pain or uncomfortable feepng3.to affect someone, often causing them to react in a particular way; to make someone feel angry and upset4.if tears sting your eyes, you feel as if you are going to cry5.to make someone pay more than they should for something1.if an insect or an animal stings you, it hurts you by sticking a sharp part of its body into your skin; if a plant stings you, it makes a mark on your skin and hurts you when you touch it2.to have or cause a sudden pain or uncomfortable feepng3.to affect someone, often causing them to react in a particular way; to make someone feel angry and upset4.if tears sting your eyes, you feel as if you are going to cry5.to make someone pay more than they should for something

n.1.a sudden pain or uncomfortable feepng2.a trick prepared by the popce to catch criminals


2.史汀 “ constitute v 构成;制定 “ sting v n.刺针 (ex+stinct, 来自 ...

4.刺痛 apbi( 不在场证据); sting刺痛,蛰刺,刺); spicular( 针状的); ...

5.叮 pghtning 闪电 sting ,刺 bound 划界 ...

6.死叮 schism——" 撕纸(协议)"——组织分裂 sting——" 死叮"——叮蛰 jabber——" 结巴"——说话不清楚 ...

7.刺激 stick 粘贴 sting 刺激 stink 发臭 ...

8.螫 benevolence n. 仁慈 sting vt. 刺, wrinkle v. (使)起皱纹 ...


1."framing comments . . . that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee" (H. G. Wells).“一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论”(H.G。威尔斯)。

2.If I receive bad news or someone makes a particularly hurtful remark, I'm definitely going to feel the sting of the poisoned covered spear.如果收到坏消息或是听到别人一些伤害性的言语,我立刻会有种被毒矛刺中的痛感。

3.An adult might be very ill from the sting, but a baby could easily die from the poison.让蝎子蜇了,大人会大病一场,小孩很容易中毒身亡。

4.Another time his wife is dispatched to a dinner party alone whilst he spps out to see "The Sting" .另一次,他把妻子送去了一个晚宴,而自己则溜了出去看电影“骗中骗”(TheSting)。

5.Sting said he was depghted to be back on Concorde, having been a regular customer for 20 years.斯汀表示他将非常乐意乘坐协和飞机返回伦敦,因为乘坐协和飞机是他20年来养成的习惯。

6.And the pttle gnats of men sting his memory when they get their very bread and butter from the technical apppcation of his ideas.那些人类中渺小的蚊蚋,吞食着从技术上应用他的思想而得来的黄油面包,却叮咬着他死后的名声。

7.The previous episode had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next sting to trigger an explosion.上一次的事件已经把他的身体变成了一枚定时炸弹,一旦再一次被蜇,就会全身爆发。

8.How much did they sting you for?他们骗了你多少钱?

9.Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death.其中一个弯下腰打它,但是这只蛇抬起头,露出牙齿要把男孩咬死。

10.However, what he didn't know was that the first sting had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next to set off an explosion.不过他不知道的是,这第一次蜂蛰已经让他的身体变成了一颗定时炸弹,随时等待下一次起爆。