




1.斯托尔 ... L-Edit 版图设计软件 STOLL 花型工作站软件 IData (虚拟仪表软件) ...

4.斯托尔公司精公司(ShimaSeiki)的DSCS系列横机、施托尔公司(Stoll)的STIXX系列横机以及普罗蒂公司 (Prolti)的DSCD系列横机上的可调 …

6.商斯托尔 ... L-Edit 版图设计软体 STOLL 花型工作站软体 IData (虚拟仪表软体) ...


1.For most patients, Stoll recommends one or two servings of the cooked fish a week.斯托尔建议多数病人每周吃一到两次鱼。

2.In its 130 years of existence, Stoll has developed its unique culture of openness, creativity and innovation in the technology of fashion.一百三十年源远流长的历史,使斯托尔在时装科技领域中形成了其独特的具有开放性、创造性和创新性的文化。

3."Rays of pght really are independent, " Stoll notes, so in ray-traced images, reflections, shadows and smoke appear as they should.斯托尔表示:「光线才是真正彼此独立的。」所以在光迹追踪法呈现的影像中,反射、阴影与烟雾看起来就像实际的样子。

4.Stoll is one of the world's leading maker of computerized flat knitting machines and pattern design systems.斯托尔是世界上电脑平面针织机和花型设计体系的领先制造商之一。

5.As a result the best of the world's fashion knitwear and designs are now produced on Stoll's computer-aided equipment.正因为如此,现在世界上最优秀的时装针织衣物的设计及生产都使用斯托尔电脑技术支持的设备。

6.The Stoll China Fashion && Technology Center designs and produces Stoll's collection of knitted patterns for the whole group.斯托尔国际时装技术中心为整个斯托尔集团设计及生产斯托尔系列的针织花型。

7.Would Stoll consider responding directly to his critics on Yelp?将Stoll直接回应他的批评者认为对声吗?

8.For Heather Gately Stoll, of Colorado, tattoos are not the issue.而对于科罗拉多州的史多尔而言,刺青根本不是问题所在。

9.H. Stoll GmbH & Co. KG is the leading manufacturer of electronic flat knitting machines based in Germany.斯托尔是领先的德国电脑针织横机生产商。

10.Stoll cautions pregnant women, those who are nursing and young children from eating any fish.斯托尔警告哺乳期的妈妈和小宝宝要慎食鱼类。