

stone bridge

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1.石桥 1. 石桥[ stone bridge] ...

2.石头桥 城墙水门 City Wall Water Gate 松江桥 Stone Bridge 路边小吃 Selpng food ...

4.石造桥梁 ... 理查蒙( Richmond) 石造桥梁( Stone Bridge) 罗斯尼山观景台( Rosny Hill Lookout) ...

5.矼 砃 white stone stone bridge 磟 stone soil roller ...

6.史东布基度祭出奢华夜生活大旗响宴,重金礼聘「瑞典电音国宝」史东布基(Stone Bridge)二度来台现场表演,让men`s uno 24名男模 …

7.四通桥 烤瓷桥: ceramometal bridge 四通桥Stone Bridge 加筋桥: Reinforcement Bridge ...

8.之石桥由南往北拍摄,可见底部处两租界分界之洋泾浜(Yangkingpang)及横跨之石桥(Stone Bridge)。 (Pic)


1.I say let the seat for you by five hundred years when the wind blowing five hundred years insolation stone bridge.我说愿为你当那座受五百年风吹五百年日晒的石桥。

2.as i walked across the short stone bridge over the narrow moat and headed towards the entrance , it struck me that i had been there before.再访同乐园我踏上跨过那窄窄河道上的短石桥,朝门口走过去,一种似曾相识的感觉瞬间袭来。

3.Happy cloud Step Three Mile Bridge in the north first, is built across the river in a hole arch stone bridge, formerly known as snow bridge.云步桥在快活三里北首,是跨中溪而建的一座单孔拱形石桥,原名雪花桥。

4.The Temple of the Dragon sat on an island in the middle of a weed-choked lake, connected to the city by a narrow stone bridge.龙神庙坐落在一个杂草丛生的湖中心的岛上,一座狭窄的石桥将它连接到城市。

5.This was the last arch stone bridge. We took a photo of team here.上山前最后一座石拱桥,在这里,我们集体合影留念。

6.The priest stood atop a red stone pillar, joined by a slender stone bridge to a lofty terrace where the lesser priests and acolytes stood.他站在一根红石柱上,由一条细长的石桥连接着一座高耸的平台,在那里站着一些地位稍低的僧侣和侍僧。

7.Analysis of the status of a large stone bridge restaurant industry, to find out the focus of our business catering sales.分析大石桥餐饮业的现状,找出我们经营的重点餐饮销售。

8.when he was gone tess stood at the window , and presently saw his form crossing the great stone bridge which conducted to the mill premises.他走了以后,苔丝站在窗前,立刻就看到他穿过那座大石桥的身影,那座石桥通向磨坊的房屋。

9.Small white stone bridge, in the pght of the pght quietly lying, more conspicuous is more beautiful.白色的小石桥,在清淡的光里静静地卧着,更显眼更美丽。

10.A broken small old grey stone bridge came into sight.一座破旧不堪的、古老的灰色小石桥映入眼帘。