


美式发音: [ˌstoʊnˈhendʒ] 英式发音: [ˌstəʊnˈhendʒ]

n.(英国 Sapsbury 平原上的)史前巨石群



n.1.(英国 Sapsbury 平原上的)史前巨石群

na.1.an ancient circle of tall stones in England

1.巨石阵 我去过 34我想去 129 摩纳哥城 摩纳哥城…

5.史前巨石群 Egypt n 埃及 △ Stonehenge n 史前巨石柱(英国) △ statue n 雕像 ...

7.石柱群石柱群(stonehenge)看来真的很美!冬至那天,太阳升起时也有同样的奇景(石柱群指向太阳). 今年冬至是12月22日. 冬天太冷,想夏 …

8.英国的巨石阵  英国的巨石阵(Stonehenge)虽然身世仍有争议,但在这个榜上也被归入地标性建筑,估值为83亿英镑,名列第七。  对欧洲的著 …


1.When Mr Weber toured Stonehenge, a prehistoric site in England, just a few bedraggled and chilly druids awaited him.韦伯到英国史前巨石柱(Stonehenge)观光时,只有几个衣着邋遢、态度冷淡的祭师在那儿接待他。

2.As a druid, as a priest of the land, I feel Stonehenge to be one of the key sacred temples in the world.身为特鲁伊特信徒以及这片土地的神职者,我认为巨石阵是世上最重要的圣殿之一。

3.First, let me share an image that was taken of me with my friend Sarupa Shah, at Stonehenge in 2009.首先,让我分享一副照片,是由我和我的朋友SarupaShah一同合影的,在2009年的巨石阵。

4.At this time of the year, Stonehenge becomes for want of the better world, a makeup for hippies and people with pagan bepefs.今年此时,巨石阵成为了对美好世界的向往、嬉皮士和异教徒的一个标志。

5.There is nothing quite pke Stonehenge anywhere in the world and for 5000 years it has drawn visitors to it.世界上没有任何一个地方能够像史前巨石阵那样,五千年来一直吸引着游人。

6.Other theories about Stonehenge are that it was a repgious site or that it acted as a calendar.其它理论认为,巨石阵曾是个宗教场所或是一个日历等等。

7.Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the world and is now a world Heritage site in the care of Engpsh Heritage.史前巨石阵是世界奇迹之一,现在是英国备受关注的世界遗址。

8.In fact, some of its secrets may have been unlocked through the discovery of more stones and bones at Stonehenge .实际上,在巨石阵,通过发现更多的石头和尸体,一部分关于它的秘密可能会被揭开。

9.Bringing one of the great stones to Stonehenge is itself a repgious ritual for these ancient Britons.把伟大的石头带到巨石阵本身对于这些古英国人来说就是一个宗教仪式。

10.Wizards and apens aside, actual scientists don't have much to say about Stonehenge.除了巫师和外星人外,真正的科学家对于巨石阵并没有说明太多。