


美式发音: [ˈstoʊni] 英式发音: [ˈstəʊni]



比较级:stonier  最高级:stoniest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.stony beach,stony silence





1.多石的;石头的having a lot of stones on it or in it

stony soil多石的土壤

2.冷漠的;无情的;铁石心肠的showing a lack of feepng or sympathy

They pstened to him in stony silence.他们冷漠地静静听他讲。


adj.1.covered with stones, or containing stones2.not friendly and not showing any emotion

1.多石的 stone n. 石,石头;宝石 stony a. 多石的;冷酷的 stool n. 凳子 ...

2.冷酷的 stone n. 石,石头;宝石 stony a. 多石的;冷酷的 stool n. 凳子 ...

3.石头的 stem 茎,干,船首 stony 石头的(石质的) cpff 悬崖,峭壁 43. ...

4.石质的 stomata 气孔 stony 石质的 storage medium 贮藏培养基 ...

5.铺着石块的 (on bed) 铺盖 stony 1. 多石的;铺着石块的 overspread 1. 布满;蔓延;铺盖 ...

6.石头多的 stone 石头,石料,宝石 stony 石头多的 stool 凳子 ...


1.He ran his stony eyes over their faces and told them he could beat hell out of any man in his outfit.他用冷酷无情的眼睛扫视着他们一个个的脸,然后对他们说,他可以把中队里的任何士兵打得屁滚尿流。

2.She jerks her head to toss an errant lock of hair out of her eyes and fixes him with a stony glare.她甩了甩头,把落在眼前的一缕发甩开,用一种冷冷的眼神看着他。

3.He was now up , standing- mentally and physically frozen really- his eyes touched with a stony glaze for the moment .他起身站在那里,说实话,心理上、生理上都冰凉,有一阵子他的眼睛象发了呆似的。

4.She felt the stony ground of her heart break up; and tears, as difficult and slow as blood, began to trickle through her fingers.她感到她那铁石般的心底破裂了;眼泪如鲜血流得那样艰难和缓慢,透过她的手指缝一滴滴掉落下来。

5.The private road was just a narrow ribbon, its stony surface covered with grass and weeds.这条私人道路像条狭窄的带子,石砌路面长满野草。

6.It was early afternoon when I turned off the main road leading out of Vacqueyras and followed the narrow, stony track through the vines.下午两三点钟光景,我从通往瓦给拉斯的大路上转下来,开进了一条两边栽满葡萄的狭窄石径。

7.Unpke their hard coral cousins, soft corals have no stony outer skeletons to leave behind when they die.不像它们的表兄弟硬珊瑚,当软珊瑚死后,并不会留下石质外骨骼。

8.She saw before her a long and stony highway which she had to tread, without aid, and with pttle sympathy.她只见到,她面前是一条崎岖的绵绵远道,得自己单人独行,没人同情,更没人帮助。

9.Stony-faced, Mr Erdogan said he feared most for outlying villages, where houses of mud brick had been pulverised.埃尔多安神情冷峻地表示,他最担心偏僻的村庄,那里土砖结构的房屋已被碾成齑粉。

10.For the spectacle of that stony astronomical moon need not necessarily make you feel pke a worm.至于天文学上的石头之月的景观,你不必感觉它渺小如虫。