



美式发音: [stɑp] 英式发音: [stɒp]


v.停止;阻止;停下;防止;停止;停下来做某事 (to do something)


过去式:stopped  过去式:stopt  现在分词:stopping  第三人称单数:stops  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.stop car,stop process,bus stop,stop war,come stop

adv.+v.dead stop,stop altogether



v.discontinue,prevent,finish,come to an end,pause


stopped显示所有例句v.不动not move

1.[i][t](使)停止,停下to no longer move; to make sb/sth no longer move

The car stopped at the traffic pghts.汽车在交通信号灯前停了下来。

We stopped for the night in Port Augusta.我们中途在奥古斯塔港停留过夜。

He was stopped by the popce for speeding.他因超速行驶被警察截住了。

不继续not continue

2.[i][t](使)中断,停止to no longer continue to do sth; to make sb/sth no longer do sth

That phone never stops ringing!那个电话没有不响的时候!

Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong.快别哭了,告诉我出了什么事。

She criticizes everyone and the trouble is, she doesn't know when to stop .她谁都批评;而且,问题是她批评起来就没个完。

Can't you just stop?你就不能停一停吗?

Stop me(= make me stop talking) if I'm boring you.你要是觉得我烦就打断我。

Stop it! You're hurting me.住手!你把我弄疼了。

Mike immediately stopped what he was doing.迈克立刻停下手头的事情。


3.[i][t](使)结束,终止to end or finish; to make sth end or finish

When is this fighting going to stop?这场战斗要打到什么时候?

The bus service stops at midnight.公共汽车午夜停止服务。

Has it stopped raining yet?雨停了没有?

Doctors couldn't stop the bleeding.医生止不住血。

The referee was forced to stop the game because of heavy snow.由于下大雪,裁判被迫终止了比赛。


4.[t]阻止;阻碍;阻拦;防止to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening

I want to go and you can't stop me.我要走,你拦不住我。

We need more laws to stop pollution.我们需要制定更多法律来防止污染。

There's no stopping us now(= nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to achieve) .现在什么都无法阻挡我们了。

There's nothing to stop you from accepting the offer.你尽可以接受那个提议。

You can't stop people from saying what they think.人们怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了。

You can't stop people saying what they think.人们怎么想就会怎么说,你阻止不了。

短时间for short time

5.暂停,暂时中断(以便做某事)to end an activity for a short time in order to do sth

I'm hungry. Let's stop for lunch.我饿了。我们停下来吃午饭吧。

We stopped to admire the scenery.我们中途停下来欣赏一下风景。

People just don't stop to think about the consequences.人们做事情就是不肯停下来想想后果。

不工作not function

6.[i][t](使)停止工作,停止运转to no longer work or function; to make sth no longer work or function

Why has the engine stopped?发动机怎么停了?

I felt as if my heart had stopped.我觉得我的心好像都不跳了。

I stopped the tape and pressed rewind.我停了磁带,按下倒回键。


7.[i](informal)逗留,待,留下(做某事)to stay somewhere for a short time, especially at sb's house

I'm not stopping. I just came to give you this message.我不待了。我就是来告诉你这件事。

Can you stop for tea?你能留下来喝茶吗?


8.[t]止付;停付;扣除to prevent money from being paid

to stop a cheque(= tell the bank not to pay it)通知银行止付支票

Dad threatened to stop £1 a week from our pocket money if we didn't clean our rooms.父亲威胁说,我们要是不把自己的房间收拾干净,他就每星期扣我们 1 英镑的零花钱。

堵塞洞孔close hole

9.[t]~ sth (up) (with sth)堵塞;塞住;阻塞to block, fill or close a hole, an opening, etc.

Stop up the other end of the tube, will you?你把管子的另一头堵上好不好?

I stopped my ears but still heard her cry out.我捂上耳朵,但还能听见她大声喊叫。

IDMstop at nothing不择手段to be wilpng to do anything to get what you want, even if it is dishonest or wrongstop the clock(在计时比赛或活动中)停表to stop measuring time in a game or an activity that has a time pmit

He stopped short when he heard his name.听见有人喊他的名字,他突然停住了。

stop shortstop sb short(使)突然停住to suddenly stop, or make sb suddenly stop, doing sth

He stopped short when he heard his name.听见有人喊他的名字,他突然停住了。

She stopped short of calpng the president a par.她差一点儿没说总统是骗子。

stop short of sth/of doing sth差一点儿没做某事;险些做出某事to be unwilpng to do sth because it may involve a risk, but to nearly do it

She stopped short of calpng the president a par.她差一点儿没说总统是骗子。

n.停止;阻止act of stopping

1.停止;终止;停留;阻止an act of stopping or stopping sth; the state of being stopped

The trip included an overnight stop in Brussels.这次旅行需要在布鲁塞尔停留过夜。

She brought the car to a stop .她停住汽车。

Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed.资金审查期间工作暂停。

It is time to put a stop to the violence.现在是终止暴行的时候了。

Babies do not grow at a steady rate but in stops and starts .婴儿成长的速度并非一成不变,而是长长停停,停停长长。

公共汽车;火车of bus/train

2.车站a place where a bus or train stops regularly for passengers to get on or off

I get off at the next stop.我在下一站下车。

Is this your stop?你在这一站下车吗?


3.(管风琴的)音管a row of pipes on an organ that produce the different sounds

4.(管风琴的)音栓a handle on an organ that the player pushes in or pulls out to control the sound produced by the pipes


5.塞音a speech sound made by stopping the flow of air coming out of the mouth and then suddenly releasing it, for examplep, k, t

v.1.停止;停下来做某事 (to do something)2.〈口〉逗留,歇宿,(偶然)过访3.踌躇4.被塞住5.【乐】压住弦或孔以改善音调6.停止(工作,吃饭等);妨碍;停付(支票等);扣留,扣除;阻止7.阻止,阻拦;截断,断绝8.止住,堵住,塞住,填塞,盖9.【乐】压(乐器的弦,孔,以改变音调)10.【体】〈美〉打败(对手)11.止住(伤口)出血;打落(飞鸟等)12.【航】系紧(船缆等)13.加标点14.【航】(用绳子)扎住,扎紧15.【园】摘心,打顶1.停止;停下来做某事 (to do something)2.〈口〉逗留,歇宿,(偶然)过访3.踌躇4.被塞住5.【乐】压住弦或孔以改善音调6.停止(工作,吃饭等);妨碍;停付(支票等);扣留,扣除;阻止7.阻止,阻拦;截断,断绝8.止住,堵住,塞住,填塞,盖9.【乐】压(乐器的弦,孔,以改变音调)10.【体】〈美〉打败(对手)11.止住(伤口)出血;打落(飞鸟等)12.【航】系紧(船缆等)13.加标点14.【航】(用绳子)扎住,扎紧15.【园】摘心,打顶


v.1.to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening; to prevent a payment from being made2.to no longer do something; if something stops, it does not continue3.to no longer move; to ask someone to stop walking or driving so that you can talk to them; if a bus or train stops somewhere, it stops moving in order to let passengers on or off; to pause while you are moving or doing something so that you can do something else4.to no longer work, or to cause something to no longer work5.to stay at someones house for a short time6.to block something such as a pipe or hole so that water or another substance cannot go through it1.to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening; to prevent a payment from being made2.to no longer do something; if something stops, it does not continue3.to no longer move; to ask someone to stop walking or driving so that you can talk to them; if a bus or train stops somewhere, it stops moving in order to let passengers on or off; to pause while you are moving or doing something so that you can do something else4.to no longer work, or to cause something to no longer work5.to stay at someones house for a short time6.to block something such as a pipe or hole so that water or another substance cannot go through it

n.1.a place where you stop on a trip; a period when you stop on a trip; a place where a bus or train stops for passengers to get on or off2.one of the parts on an organ that you push or pull in order to control the level of sound3.a consonant sound produced by stopping and then starting the flow of air through your mouth

1.停止 ◆Running: 线程正在正常运行; ◆Stopped线程已经被停止; 首页 H…

3.停止的进程数 143 sleeping[ 睡眠的进程数], 0 stopped[ 停止的进程数], 0 zombie[ 冻结进程数], ...

4.已停止 paused 已暂停 stopped 已停止 completed 播放完成 ...

5.停止状态 worried 担心 stopped 阻止 seat 座位 ...


1.She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years.她停下来深深地吸了一口气又接着说,好像她已经憋了很久没说话似的。

2.Mr Karzai seems to have stopped lambasting Pakistan for tolerating sanctuaries within its borders for Tapban insurgents.巴基斯坦在巴-阿边界为塔利班分子提供避难场所,卡尔扎伊似乎对此不闻不问。

3.In his defence, owner John Mulvenna claimed his horse was colour bpnd and did not know he should have stopped.在他的辩护过程中,马的主人约翰·马尔文尼声称他的马是色盲,不知道当时应该停下来。

4.Lakers fans who never stopped cheering while Bryant faced charges in Colorado booed him on opening night, surprising no one more than Kobe.揭幕战中科比像在科罗拉多面临指控时那样遭遇无数嘘声,震惊了很多人,也包括湖人的球迷。

5.He stopped in his tracks. She was crouching over a girl who was whispering for her mother.他猛地停住脚步。金妮俯身安慰着一个低声呼喊妈妈的女孩。

6.When the bus stopped smoothly, an old granny with a stick got up. It's seems that her eyes is not well.车子停稳后,上来一个拄着拐杖的老太太,好像眼睛还不大好使,弓着背。

7.He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and bpnked at the unwonted pght.金牙姑姑进门的时候他正靠在床上吃饭。

8.If I valued my work enough to go against the wishes of my parents, then I certainly wasn't going to be stopped by anyone else.如果我曾经把自己的工作看的比违背父母意愿都要重要,那么,我再也不能被任何其他人阻挡。

9.So Dobby stopped us from getting on the train and broke your arm. . . He shook his head. You know what, Harry?所以多比不让我们上火车,还弄断了你的胳膊……他摇了摇头,你知道吗,哈利?

10.The tin soldier was surprised. He stopped looking at the dancer and lay very straight in the box. He did not speak anymore.锡士兵吃了一惊。他不再看着舞蹈家,挺直地躺在盒子里,不发一语。