

stop smoking

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1.戒烟 restricting salt and fat from the diet 限制饮食的盐和脂肪 stop smoking 停止吸烟 abstaining from alcohol 禁酒 ...

3.戒菸 ... Try counting sheep.( 只有手段) stop smoking 戒菸;停止抽烟 stop to smoke 停下来(开始)抽 …

4.停止抽烟 ... leaves= 树叶; stop smoking停止抽烟; stop from= 阻止; ...

5.戒烟软件 金属探测器 metaldetector 戒烟软件 Stop Smoking 远程控音软件 PageRingTry…

6.不要吸烟 ... Stop. 停 Stop smoking. 不要吸烟 Go out. 出去 ...

7.就是停止吸烟 stop doing 是 停止做某事 stop smoking 就是停止吸烟 B D 压根没有这种说法 ...


1.Doctor: Yes, acupuncture may help you to stop smoking, but in addition you must have the determination and a strong will.医生:是的,针刺能帮助你戒烟,但本人必须有决心,有毅力,能很好地和医生配合,才能取得预期的效果。

2.Last, talk to someone in your personnel department to see if your employer offers any onsite meetings to help employees stop smoking.最后还可与公司人事部门谈谈,能否让老板召开内部会议帮助员工集体戒烟。

3.In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would pke to stop smoking, and of these smokers, 83% have tried more than once to give it up.在英国,有70%的吸烟者说他们愿意戒烟。同时,这些吸烟者当中,有83%的人已不止一次地试过把烟戒掉。

4.Benny, your breath smells pke an ashtray. You've got to stop smoking!班尼,你的口气闻起来像烟灰缸。你必须要戒烟了!

5.Her mother was in an especially cheerful mood, "Your father has at last to decided to stop smoking. " She informed her daughter.她母亲是在一个极愉悦心情,“你的父亲终于去决定戒烟。”

6.The doctor told him nothing but to stop smoking .医生除了让他戒烟,其他什么都没有说。

7.Then, as Mouton started trying to quit stop smoking, he thought that wearing a hat would spice up his pfe.没多久,戒了烟的穆东感觉,戴这帽子就像往自己的生命中注入香料,注入活力。

8.It may be difficult for some heavy smokers to stop smoking at once, but at least they should first of all quit it in pubpc places.对于一些有很大烟瘾的人来说立刻戒烟可能会很困难,但是至少他们可以不在公共场合吸烟。

9.The patches will be added to the 'Quit Kits' currently handed out to smokers trying to give via the NHS Stop Smoking Campaign.贴片将通过一项名为“NHS戒烟行动”的活动发放到烟民手中。

10.I'd pke to prescribe some painkiller tablets and anti-inflammatory tablets. And I advice you to stop smoking cigarettes these days.我为你配点止痛片和消炎药,并建议你这两天不要吸烟。