




1.怪人 ... 人员 人员> staff 怪人 怪人> strange person 引人注目 引人注目> striking ...


1.He's such a strange person that we all find it hard to get along with him .他这人很怪,因此我们觉得很难与他相处。

2.He said that it was the first time that he had met such a strange person.他说他还是第一次遇到这么奇怪的人。

3.I found a strange person walking nearby our shop all day.我发现一个陌生人每天都在我们商店附近走着。

4.And soon after that a very strange person stepped out from among the trees into the pght of the lamp-post .没多久,从树林中走出一个样子奇怪的人,一直来到灯柱下面。

5.And give orders that Aaron and his sons are to keep their place as priests; any strange person who comes near is to be put to death.你要嘱咐亚伦和他的儿子、谨守自己祭司的职任.近前来的外人必被治死。更详细。

6.The man on his duty found a strange person.值班的人发现了一个奇怪的人。

7.the Fairy people consider him a strange person, because of his reservedness and his wish of lonepness.妖精们认为他是一个行为怪异的人,因为他的沈默及他希望独自生活的想法。

8.Never have I met such a strange person before.我以前从未见过这样的陌生人。

9.I really don't know how to deal with such a strange person.我真不知该怎样应付这样的怪人。

10.A girl is still very scared, and she told us: when UFO appeared, it seemed there is very strange person.一名女生还很害怕,她告诉我们:那个不明飞行物中似乎还有一个长相很奇特的人。