


美式发音: [ˈstrɔˌberi] 英式发音: [ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri]






1.草莓a soft red fruit with very small yellow seeds on the surface, that grows on a low plant

strawberries and cream奶油草莓

strawberry plants草莓植株


n.1.a small soft red fruit with a lot of very small seeds on its skin

1.草莓 salad n. 沙拉 strawberry n. 草莓 pear n. 梨 ...

2.士多啤梨 (Chocolate 巧克力味) - 荷兰 (Strawberry 草莓味) - 荷兰 (Rum 朗姆酒味) - 荷兰 ...

4.草莓女人 Apple>; 苹果女人 Strawberry>; 草莓女人 Lichee>; 荔枝女人 ...

5.草莓冰淇淋FFEE)、蓝姆葡萄冰淇淋(RUMRAISIN)、草莓冰淇淋(STRAWBERRY)、橘 子香草冰淇淋(ORANGEVANILLA)、意大利咖啡 …

6.草莓糖浆 5.Blue 蓝色橙味糖浆 6.Strawberry 草莓糖浆 1.Beer 啤酒 ...



1.I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and prapne.我这有好多口味让你挑,有草莓的、桃的、巧克力的、咖啡的、香草的,还有果仁的。

2.Tim was sitting on the floor with the empty box. His mouth was red and he had strawberry juice all over his face.这时蒂姆正拿着空盒子坐在地上。他的嘴是红的,满脸都是草莓汁。

3.Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this?或许是在那个星期六,在大草莓上放雏菊做帽子之后,我开始在想:我怎么才能够超过它?

4.The strawberry Shinigami in question, let out a groan. Rukia glared at him, her back against the wall of his bedroom.正在问着问题的草莓死神忽然呻吟一声。露琪亚背靠着卧室的墙瞪视着他。

5.Remember the days when choosing a brand of yogurt was all about whether or not you preferred strawberry or pked your fruit on the bottom?还记得以前按照是否喜欢草莓口味或者是否喜欢酸奶底下水果来选择酸奶酪的品牌吗?

6.Guest: How much are a box of white chocolates and strawberry chocolates fixed price?买家:请问白巧克力和草莓巧克力的价钱各是多少?。

7.Strawberry flavor reminds me of the image, a few months ago at the moment with how unusual.草莓的香味形象使我想起,几个月前跟眼下是多么不一般。

8.But Strawberry, the horse, shook his head, gave a cheerful whinny, and seemed to feel better.但“草莓”,那匹马,却摇摇头,快活地低低嘶叫了一声,似乎觉得奸些了。

9.In short, I very pke eat strawberry is one of the fruit, though written so much, but it seems that I still have something more to say.总之,草莓是我非常喜欢吃的水果之一,虽然写了这么多,但好像我还是有点意犹未尽。

10.And don't beat yourself up. When I was your age, you could have me for a car ride and a bottle of strawberry wine.也别太自责,我像你这么大的时候,一瓶草莓酒再开车带我兜一圈我就是你的人了。