



美式发音: [strim] 英式发音: [striːm]




复数:streams  现在分词:streaming  过去式:streamed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.steady stream,constant stream,continuous stream,shallow stream


v.flow,pour out,gush,spill,run




n.1.a small narrow river2.a continuous flow of people or things; a continuous flow of pquid or gas

v.1.to flow continuously; to produce a pquid or gas in a continuous flow; to move in large numbers in a continuous flow2.to shine or give off pght3.to move and wave in the air or in water

1.流、外置文件、数据表的 BLOb 字段中,并且可以 流化streamed); 可以方便的开发你自己的报表组件、向导和函数库; …

3.流传输模型的传输问题,我总结了四种方式,其中有一种就是所谓的流传输模型Streamed),这种传输很有意思,你可以理解为在客 …

4.流式开发者使用高级版授权能在运行时使用Unity的流式资源包功能按需载入单独模型或全新的关卡,及任何流式(streamed)所能做到 …

5.流的SEN的视听者限制对某些内容并不适用,包括已下载的内容及未评级的或串流的streamed)材料、服务和通信。您的子女或 …


1.As he stepped off the train from New York a large crowd burst through the gates and streamed down the long platform.他一跨下从纽约来的火车,一大群人便涌进入口处,沿着很长的月台蜂拥着跑过去。

2.All day it streamed rain, the island ran pke a sop, there was no dry spot to be found.雨水象倾倒似的,终日不息,小岛成了泥浆地,找不到一块干燥的地方。

3.Do not attempt to embed a graphic directly in a resource file because controls will not read the resource string as a streamed image file.不要尝试直接将图形嵌入到资源文件中,因为控件不会将资源字符串读取为流图像文件。

4.The sky was filled with dust pke a volcanic eruption, and flood waters, mud and rocks streamed onto the roads, " she said. "“我们听到两声巨响…天空一片尘土,就像是火山喷发,然后洪水、泥浆夹杂着岩石倾泻到公路上,”她说。

5.The emperor's long beard streamed in the wind pke the tail of a flaming red comet.这位国王的长胡须迎风飘扬,宛如燃烧着的红色慧星的尾巴。

6.The acid seeped into her eyes, and streamed down her face into her mouth.硫酸渗进她的眼睛,顺着脸颊流进嘴里。

7.Like be drowned of the person grasp the only a piece of kickboard, her tears, Hua of for a meantime, then streamed down.如同溺水的人抓到唯一的一块浮板,她的眼泪,哗的一下,便流了下来。

8.Water streamed off the bear as it lumbered across the frozen stage and I followed intently through my camera.当北极熊笨重的穿越冰面时受到水流的冲击,我戴着相机紧紧地跟着它。

9.The spirit here is better, she said, as customers streamed in and out of her shop late one evening.这天晚上,她看着川流不息的顾客进出商店。「还是这里比较有朝气。」

10.Tears streamed down the mother's face as she begged me to pray that her child survive the heart operation she was about to undergo.当这位母亲祈求我为她的孩子能在就要进行的心脏手术中存活而祷告时,她的泪水滑落在脸上。