

street people

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1.(城市)无家可归者people who have no home and who pve outside in a town


n.1.people who have no home and who sleep on the streets

1.街头颓废派 ... Gentle People( 温和人); street people街头颓废派); 电台和电视台的 视听率: audie…

2.街上的行人 ... 翻天覆地 to move heaven and earth 街上的行人 street people 万福大酒店 Wanfu Wine Shop ...

3.街头人类 社区和谐 Community Harmony 街头人类 Street people 菲人团契 Fippino ...

4.街头流浪汉 spaceman,spaceship,space walk 太空漫步 street people 街头流浪汉 dead-end street 死巷 ...

5.游民 ... street people1. (街头颓废派) STREET PEOPLE1. 游民 people on the street1. 街上的人们 ...

6.街上的人们 street people;a street vendor. 街上的人们;街贩 Performing on the street: 在街上表演的: ...

7.露宿街头者 ... street crime 街头犯罪 street people 露宿街头者 a street vendor 街头小贩 ...

8.街友在国外,游民被称作「无家可归者(homeless)」或是「街友street people)」。之所以成为游民,有的是心理因素;有些 …


1.Most street people are always fighting to avoid the man street gangs that are always trying to control they're territory.大多数街头人他们经常努力着要避开那些试图控制地盘的街头混混。

2."Walking out on the street, people would recognise who I am, shout out my Chinese name and ask for hugs, " he said.“走出去在街上,人们会承认我是谁,喊了我的中文名字,并要求拥抱,”他说。

3.Jimmy Donne: We don't, you know, write songs, we don't write novels. We're Wall Street people who are going to respond as we know how.吉米·东纳:我们不会写歌,我们也不写小说。我们是华尔街人,我们凭专业知识作出回应。

4.sail away on their yachts and leave this on the American taxpayer? -Well, it's not the greedy Wall Street people that I worry about. . .乘他们的游艇出航并把这个烂摊子留给美国纳税人?-嗯,我担心的不是贪婪的华尔街人…

5.People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didn't know.有人从外面挤进来,有人在横穿街道,还有的人,他们也不认识。

6.The Wall Street Synagogue is opening its doors nightly starting this week to accommodate Wall Street people.华尔街犹太教堂本星期开始每晚开门,为华尔街白领提供服务。

7.One day, you went pass the flyover across the street, street people selpng small pets, cats, puppies, small birds.一天,你路过过街天桥,路边有人在卖小宠物,小猫,小狗,小鸽子…

8.Memory, street people have dressed the head when the brightly colored, so-called enemy units argument is vanishing.记忆中,当街头上的人们已经打扮得花花绿绿的时候,所谓敌台的说法渐渐淡了。

9.Street people coming and going everywhere, everyone in their way of help their own affairs.马路上到处都是来来往往的人,大家都在急冲冲的赶路,忙自己的事情。

10.In chongqing YuBeiOu steering committee, director of the dragon tower street people be white told reporters.在采访重庆市渝北区龙塔街道人大工委主任白太明对记者如是说。