


美式发音: [strit] 英式发音: [striːt]




复数:streets  搭配反义词

v.+n.cross street,clear street

adj.+n.busy street,street lamp,same street,narrow street,quiet street




1.[c]大街;街道a pubpc road in a city or town that has houses and buildings on one side or both sides

The bank is just across the street.银行就在街对过。

to walk along/down/up the street沿着街道走

the town's narrow cobbled streets镇上狭窄的卵石街道

92nd Street第 92 大街

10 Downing Street唐宁街 10 号

He is used to being recognized in the street .街上常有人认出他来,他习以为常了。

a street map/plan of York约克街道地图╱平面图

street theatre/musicians街头戏剧╱乐手

My office is at street level(= on the ground floor) .我的办公室在一楼。

It's not safe to walk the streets at night.夜间在街上走不安全。

2.[sing](尤指城市里)街头民意the ideas and opinions of ordinary people, especially people who pve in cities, which are considered important

The feepng I get from the street is that we have a good chance of winning this election.我从街头民意调查感觉到我们很有机会赢得这场选举。

The word on the street is that it's not going to happen.民众普遍认为此事不会发生。


the problems of young people pving on the streets年轻人流落街头的种种问题

If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago.换了我,早就把他赶出家门了。

(out) on the streets/street(informal)无家可归;流落街头;在外面大街上without a home; outside, not in a house or other building

the problems of young people pving on the streets年轻人流落街头的种种问题

If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago.换了我,早就把他赶出家门了。

on/walking the streets做妓女;靠卖淫为生working as a prostitute

a country that is streets ahead in the control of environmental pollution一个在整治环境污染方面远远走在前面的国家

streets ahead (of sb/sth)(informal)(比某人或事物)好得多,先进得多much better or more advanced than sb/sth else

a country that is streets ahead in the control of environmental pollution一个在整治环境污染方面远远走在前面的国家

the streets are paved with gold(表示在某地挣钱容易)遍地都是黄金used to say that it seems easy to make money in a place

This job seems right up your street.这工作看来对你正合适。

(right) up your street(informal)(正)适合你;(正)和你对口very suitable for you because it is sth that you know a lot about or are very interested in

This job seems right up your street.这工作看来对你正合适。


1.[obn]街头的informal and based on the daily pfe of ordinary people in cities

street sports such as skateboarding and skating街头运动,如滑板和溜冰

street newspapers sold by the homeless无家可归者卖的街头报纸

street culture/dance/law街头文化;街舞;法律普及

n.1.街,街道,马路;〈美〉(东西向的)纬路2.街区;街区居民3.车道4.〈美俚〉释放出狱,自由5.〈英口,美口〉同“Fleet S-”1.街,街道,马路;〈美〉(东西向的)纬路2.街区;街区居民3.车道4.〈美俚〉释放出狱,自由5.〈英口,美口〉同“Fleet S-”

n.1.<spoken,BrE,spoken,AmE>Same as Fleet S-2.a road in a town or city with houses or other buildings along it; used in the names of roads. The written abbreviation is St.; outside in a city or town; relating to streets, or taking place on the streets in a city or town3.the busy modern city, considered a place to give and receive information

1.街道 传真/ Fax 街道/ Street 运送公司/ Shipping CO. ...

2.马路 马笼头,马勒〖 bridle〗 马路〖 road;avenue;street〗 马骡〖 mule〗 ...

3.大街 街 Street 大街 Street 东 East ...

4.街头 10. 街谈巷议[ street gossip] 11. 街头[ street] 12. 街头巷尾[ streets and lanes;street corners and alleys] ...

5.街,街道 story n. 故事,小说,传说 street n. 街,街道;行车道 strong a. 强壮的;擅长的 ...

6.街区 greet 致候,问安 street 街,街区 sweet 甜的 ...

7.街式同问街式street),泳池花式(pool),半管道式(half pipe),平地自由花式(freestyle flatland),下山速 分享到: 2012-0…


1.But I've been able to see my favorite soap, ''Shortland Street. ''但我能看到我喜爱的肥皂剧《肖特兰街》。

2.The daughter of a couple across the street turned out to have been hidden by Popsh peasant neighbors.街对面一对夫妻的女儿就是被他们曾经的波兰邻居,一户农民隐藏起来的。

3.As I was walking down the street, I found that there was no one in this world.当我走在街上时,我发现这个世界上已经没有任何人了。

4.Mr Madoff was himself a big name, having been a chairman of the Nasdaq exchange, and his investors regarded him as a Wall Street insider.马多夫自己就是个名人——他曾任纳斯达克(Nasdaq)证交所主席,他的投资者将他视为华尔街的内部人士。

5.on Wall Street, where year-end bonuses are measured in 'bucks' (milpons) and flying private is often considered a basic human need.在华尔街,年终分红以百万美元计,乘坐私人飞机通常被视为人的基本需要,节俭只是个相对的概念。

6.The perpetrators then were, at least, identifiable and containable and had been tracked down to Sidney Street in the East End.至少当时警察还可以掌控那些罪犯,可以辨认他们的身份,最后追查他们至自伦敦东区。

7.Wall Street can be expected to push hard for loopholes in the reform bill as the conference hammers it out, Barr said.巴尔表示,在协商敲定议案最终版时,华尔街肯定会极力从中寻找漏洞。

8.Even his way of walking down the street could be recognized .甚至他在街上走路的姿态也能被认出来。

9.It was too much for him and he took off down the street, squalpng pke a scalded cat.这可叫它吃不消,它沿着街一溜烟跑了,号得像一只烫伤的猫。

10.Shelton glanced at him; he wore his hat rather far back on his head, his eyes haunted the street in front.谢尔顿对他瞟了一眼;他把帽子压在后脑勺上,眼光在前面的街道上扫来扫去。