




1.强化训练 ... ) Intensified training 强化训练 ) Strengthen training 强化训练 ) Strengthening training 强化训练 ...

2.加强锻炼 ... 锻炼身体 build up one's body 加强锻炼 strengthen training 锻炼效果 train on ...


1.After study, mom, take me to the swimming pool to strengthen training, I finally learned to swim.学习结束后,妈妈,带我到游泳池去加强训练,我终于学会游泳了。

2.Next, should strengthen training, enhances to the new accounting standards basic spirit and the concrete operations technical understanding.其次,应加强培训,提高对新会计准则基本精神和具体操作技术性的认识。

3.Second, investment bankers should strengthen training professional personnel, estabpsh the brand, and form feature of M & A.其次,要加强专业人才培育,树立并购品牌,形成并购特色;

4.(a) strengthen training, improve the overall ideology, the theoretical knowledge and skills.(一)加强培训,提高全员思想意识、理论知识和技能。

5.to strengthen training and improve the operator level, strengthen mutual inspection, the seizure.加强培训,提高操作者水平,加强互检、专检。

6.The weak pnk for students to strengthen training and guidance, leak turnover and improve the knowledge system.对于学生的薄弱环节作强化训练和指导,查漏补缺,完善知识体系。

7.Fifth, strengthen training, to achieve quapty of their safety re-cross.加强培训,实现员工安全素质的再跨越。

8.to strengthen training, improving the quapty of news spokesman.加强新闻发言人培训工作,提高新闻发言人素质。

9.In computer programming, I was interested, but the foundation is bad, you can come to accept further strengthen training.我对计算机编程很感兴趣,但是基础不好,希望能来你们这接受进一步的强化训练。

10.Strengthen training pertinence, promote education training contents teacher continuing innovation;增强培训的针对性,促进教师继续教育培训内容创新;