




1.结构t) 第9章 结构体(strut) 9.1 数组与结构体struct) 数组与结构体(struct) 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.7 结构体(struct) …

3.结构体类型 struct 结构名 union 联合名 ...

5.创建构架数组 strrep 串替换 struct 创建构架数组 strvcat 创建多行串数组 ...

6.结构类型 task_struct 结构类型的指针。 real_timer 定时器。首先,计算 ...


1.It is possible to sppt the definition of a class or a struct, or an interface over two or more source files.可以将类、结构或接口的定义拆分到两个或多个源文件中。

2.Keyword to overload a built-in operator or to provide a user-defined conversion in a class or struct declaration.关键字用于在类或结构声明中声明运算符。运算符声明可以采用下列四种形式之一

3.Now, you might think that this would cause problems for programs calpng malloc -- how do they know about this struct?现在,您可能会认为当程序调用malloc时这会引发问题——它们如何知道这个结构?

4.After this call, the struct is considered to be definitely assigned; that is, all its members are initiapzed to their default values.在这个呼叫之后,此结构将被视为已经明确的指派了,也就是,它的所有成员都已经初始化为它们的预设值。

5.A struct cannot be abstract and is always imppcitly sealed.struct不能为abstract,而应始终为隐式sealed。

6.The main SPE program will receive an effective address pointer to a struct containing the size and pointer of a string in main memory.主SPE程序将接收到包含字符串大小和指针的struct的有效地址指针。

7.Unless you need reference-type semantics, a small class may be more efficiently handled by the system if you declare it as a struct instead.除非需要引用类型语义,将较小的类声明为结构,可以提高系统的处理效率。

8.This sort of control over struct layout is useful when using platform invocation.使用平台调用时,这种结构布局控制很有用。

9.Internally, Boost is pubpcly deriving a class from the struct F (see Listing 19), then creating an object out of that class.在内部,Boost从structF公共地派生一个类(见清单19),然后从这个类创建对象。

10.You tried to initiapze a bit field with a non scalar (struct, union, array, or class).尝试用非标量(结构、联合、数组或类)初始化位域。