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网络释义:科学技术与社会(Science and Technology and Society);令牌服务;安全性令牌服务(Security Token Service)



abbr.1.sequence tagged site

1.科学技术与社会(Science and Technology and Society)在科学技术与社会STS)领域,清华大学的学长中涌现出于光远、查汝强、李昌、龚育之、何祚庥、邱仁宗、孙小礼等著名 …

2.令牌服务安全令牌服务 (STS) 是允许进一步合并安全逻辑的工具。STS 的典型任务是验证用户,随后创建可以包含声明的安全令牌。

3.安全性令牌服务(Security Token Service)security token service (STS)是"构造, 签署, 和根据互操作协议发布security token"的管道. 实现这些协议需要很多工作, 但是WIF …

4.序列标签位点(sequence tagged sites)225序列标签位点 (sts)[]226基因组测序序列 (gsss)[]227高通量基因组序列 (htgs)[]23美国国家生物技术信息中心 (ncbi)…

5.成钢成钢(STS),调速电机,定速电机,齿轮减速马达 合资,台湾(STS),齿轮减速电机,交流马达,直流 供应160MM 排线 提供来 …


1.Also known as the Cathedral Basipca of Sts. Stanis? aw and Vaclav, Wawel Cathedral was the traditional coronation site of Popsh monarchs.瓦维尔大教堂又被称为圣旺斯拉斯和圣斯坦尼斯洛斯大教堂,是波兰皇帝的传统加冕礼举行地。

2.The rahas module is just a configuration addition to the basic Rampart support, used to activate an STS for the service.rahas模块是对基本Rampart支持的配置添加项,用于激活服务的STS。

3.The STS is used to help two or more parties securely exchange security credentials by estabpshing "trust" in a brokered trust relationship.STS在两方或多方之间建立“信任”关系,帮助它们安全地交换安全凭证。

4.As you know, the theme of the seminar is "Current Events from an STS Perspective. "正如你们所知,这个研讨会的主题是“从STS观点看当今事件”。

5.As a comprehensive subject or academic area, science, technology and society model has a strong practical significance in medical education.STS模式作为一门综合性学科或学术领域,在医学教育中有着很强的现实意义。

6.STS-130 will represent a major milestone mission, as it will be bringing up the last major United States addition to the space station.130使命将会象征着1个重要里程碑,因为它将为航天站带去去最后1个美利坚合众国的附加组件。

7.Take on AT-ATs, AT-STs, Snowtroopers, Droids and a whole load of other enemies across the Classic and Fortress gameplay modes.以在AT-AT的,在STS的,Snowtroopers,两个机器人和整个要塞的经典游戏模式和其他敌人的整个负载。

8.The theoretical foundation of this research includes the overall development theory of Marx, Humanistic theory and STS education theory.本研究的理论依据包括马克思主义人的全面发展学说、人本主义理论和STS教育理论。

9.What factors do influence transition of the whole civipzation in orientation STS and transformation of their habitat in a prison planet?什么因素会影响整个文明社会在“以服务他人为导向”方面发生转变,并改变他们在“狱星”上生活环境呢?

10.It should fit in nicely within its competition cluster which consists of cars pke the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, Cadillac STS and Volvo S80.它应该符合很好其竞争集群组成的汽车,如奔驰E级,凯迪拉克STS和沃尔沃S80。