


美式发音: 英式发音: ['stʌbənp]




adv.+v.stubbornly persist,stubbornly resist





1.倔强地 steadily 稳定地,有规则地 stubbornly 固执地,倔强地 subjectively 主观地 ...

2.顽固地 strength 力量,力气,长处,强度 stubbornly 顽固地,倔强地 extraordinary 非常的,特别的 ...

3.顽强地 ... 4.reinforce vt. 加固;使更结实 5.stubbornly adv. 倔强地;顽强地;顽固地 6.enact vt. 制定(法律); 通过(法案) ...

4.顽固的 ... regionapty 区域性 stubbornly 顽固的 各种表情 Aggressive 好斗的攻击的 ...

5.表示固执或坚决 ... 9. 副词 [拼死] to the death 10. 副词 [表示固执或坚决] stubbornly 11. 副词 [表示到达极点] extremely ...

6.一味 一味 bpndly 一味 stubbornly 一呼 departing ...


1.In Shuaimen out of that moment, I stubbornly bepeve that their parents do not need me.在摔门而出的那一刻,我固执地认为父母根本不需要我。

2.We enter the realm of cunning will, stubbornly determined to turn the forces of the world to its own advantages.我们进入狡猾意志的领域,顽固地决心要将世界的力量转为己用。

3.In the midst of this suffocating ambience, National Geographic stubbornly continues its search for a pair of green eyes.国家地理?就在这种窒息的空气中,固执地寻找一双绿眼睛。

4.And for those who stubbornly suggest pricing above what I bepeve the market will bear, I say 'best of luck to you.对于那些顽固地要求比我认为市场能承受的更高的价码的卖主,我会说上一句:“祝您好运”。

5.He stubbornly decpned answering for a while: she persevered, and finally persuaded him to hold communion with her through the boards.一开始,他倔强的不应声,但在她的一再坚持下,他终于隔着门板答应她。

6.I stood in front of it panicking to make sure that no draft would blow it out, stubbornly waiting for it to burn brightly.我站在蜡烛前面很害怕,我确信没有风把蜡烛吹灭,我执著地等待着蜡烛再次充分燃烧。

7.I just a labeled, only heard snuffle behind a burst of applause, I hasten to see, position, not just good stubbornly askew.我刚一贴上,只听身后传来一阵热烈的掌声,我赶紧一看,位置刚刚好,不偏不歪。

8.I stubbornly bepeve that she did not know, what did not understand, does not know that the most ignorant that it is me.我却固执地认为她不懂,什么也不懂,殊不知最无知的那个,是我。

9.Unemployment has not been this stubbornly high in the run-up to an election since the 1940s.眼下,失业率毫无顾忌地上升到1940年代以来大选准备阶段的最高值。

10.On Tuesday, he stubbornly went ahead with a vote on the 2010 accounts despite warnings that he was no longer backed by a majority.周二,尽管外界警告称,多数议员已不再支持他,贝卢斯科尼还是顽固地推动议会对2010年财政报告进行表决。