




1.努力学习 all over 遍及 study hard 努力学习 take lessons 上课 ...

2.好好学习 I'm sleepy.( 我困了。) Study hard.( 好好学习。) I am.( 好好学着呢。) ...

3.好好学习啊 Oh,I'm washing those.( 啊,我正要洗呢。) Study hard.( 好好学习啊!) Yeah,let's.( 好哇,走吧!) ...

4.学习努力 stressed out 紧张的;有压力的 study hard 学习努力 suffer from 受……之苦;受……之害 ...

5.刻苦学习 学习方法 study method 刻苦学习 study hard 学习材料 material for study ...

6.努力读书 ... 努力使业务成交 make great efforts to conclude the business 如:努力读书 study hard 工作努力 work hard ...

7.用功读书 ... playtime 娱乐时间 study hard 用功读书 summer time 夏季 ...

8.努力工作 ... talk with/ to sb 和----谈话 8 work/ study hard 努力工作 11 take photos/ pictures 照像 2 ...


1.Academically speaking, do not know about his knowledge must study hard will go until all understand.在学术上,对于自己不懂的知识一定会去使劲钻研,一直到全部弄懂。

2.If I desire to be a good designer , I know , I must study hard now and feed myself some knowledge on designing.要成为一个优秀的服装设计师,我现在必须好好学习,并多给自己补充些设计方面的知识。

3.When he heard what the teacher said, he said to himself, I should study hard.当他听到老师的讲话时,心想我应当认真学习。

4.Now has his own big weekend occasionally go to the Internet, his mother said: "You do not go to the Internet, at home, study hard. "现在自己大了,周末偶尔去上网,妈妈却说:“你别去上网,在家里好好学习。”

5.His father often got angry, and yet young Zuo Si was as naughty as ever and would not study hard.父亲经常为这事发脾气,可是小左思仍然淘气得很,不肯好好学习。

6.He said he pked the busy university pfe, and that I will study hard.他说他很喜欢忙碌的大学生活,并叫我要努力学习。

7.After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen.玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。

8.Finally, you must study hard and insist on learning continuously for a year or two.最后,你必须努力学习并坚持不间断的学习一年或两年。

9.Everyone who had learned Engpsh knows that there was a threshold of Engpsh study hard to cross, and the threshold was the pronunciation.学习过英语的人都知道,英语难入门,难就难在发音上。

10.My parents required of me that I should study hard.父母要求我努力学习。