




1.一起学习 14:30-14:38,星云/ Galaxy 14:50-14:58,一起学习Study together 15:00-15:08,播·爱/ …

2.一块学习 too much homework 太多的家庭作业 study together 一块学习 in the hall 在大厅里 ...

3.同窗共读 ... 10. 引子与主题 Introduction and theme 11. 同窗共读 Study together 12. 十八里长亭相送 Parting at Pavipon ...

4.在一起相互学习 ... 共同生活 pve together 在一起相互学习 study together 相互帮助 help each other ...

5.时间 ... 1.You stood us up again. 你又一次出卖了我 study together 作者: 深蓝色2010 时间: 2010-4-16 15:35 ...


1.Right water temperature, dissolved oxygen, water, etc. What are the needs in this study together with you.对水温、溶氧量、水质等有哪些需求,在此与大家一同探讨。

2."You and I and another student in China could be discussing a case study together as long as we agree a time, " he says.他表示:“只要我们商定一个时间,你、我和在中国的另一名学生就能一起讨论一个案例研究。”

3.Study together with the children!与孩子一起学习!

4.To this end, the friends you mobipze the enthusiasm and study together four flowers on green planting, research and culture.为此,你调动朋友的积极性,一起研究四季花卉、研究绿色种植、研究自然养殖。

5.During this time , I can get together with my friends , play together and study together.在这段时间,我和我的朋友相聚在一起,一起玩耍,一起学习。

6.Join a local support group. Some groups study together, go on field trips and take turns teaching each other's children.让孩子加入当地互助组织,例如一些小组在一起学习,进行实地考察旅行,或有的家长交换子女进行授课。

7.Hope can become a good friend with everyone within this three years, study together and grow up together.希望在这三年里可以和大家成为好朋友,一起学习,一起成长。

8.Friends, let we at "the world study day" arrival moment, study together in heavily study the atmosphere!朋友们,让我们在“世界读书日”到来之际,在浓郁的读书氛围中一起读书吧!

9.Everyone eat, pves together together, study together, common amusement.大家同吃、同住、共同学习、共同娱乐。

10.We often study together, play, I did not lonely.我们经常在一起学习,玩耍,让我没有孤单。