


美式发音: [ˈstʌfi] 英式发音: ['stʌfi]



比较级:stuffier  最高级:stuffiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.stuffy room,stuffy atmosphere





1.闷热的;闷人的;通风不畅的warm in an unpleasant way and without enough fresh air

a stuffy room闷热的房间

It gets very hot and stuffy in here in summer.这里夏天很热很闷。

2.(informal)一本正经的;古板的;无聊的;保守的very serious, formal, boring or old-fashioned

a stuffy, formal family一本正经而又古板的一家人

plain, stuffy clothes朴素刻板的衣服

3.(鼻子)不通的,堵住的;鼻塞的if you have astuffy nose, your nose is blocked because you have a cold


adj.1.a stuffy room is too warm and has an unpleasant smell because there is no fresh air in it2.if you have a stuffy nose or head, you cannot breathe well because of a cold or similar illness3.criticizing anyone whose behavior is unusual

1.闷热的 潮湿的 humid moist damp 闷热的 stuffy 灼热 baking/blazing/burning/boipng/flaming hot ...

2.不透气的 stuff 原料,材料 v.装,把...塞进 stuffy 不透气的,闷热的 stupid 愚蠢的,笨的 ...

3.不通风的 stubborn adj. 顽固的 stuffy adj. 不通风的 stun v. 因打击而失去知觉 ...

4.乏味的 stripe 斑纹, 条纹 stuffy 乏味的 subdivide 再分, 细分 ...

5.闷的 sticky 闷热的; stuffy 闷的 muggy 闷热潮湿的; ...

6.不通气的 pollen 花粉 stuffy 不通气的 potent 强有力的 ...


1.Uttama-sloka handed him the card and he slowly made his way back to the stuffy economy section.斯洛卡把登机牌递给他,他慢慢的向后面拥挤的经济舱走去了。

2.A few deep gulps of fresh air was all she dared allowherself, and now she retreats to the misery of her stuffy pttle house.她只敢享受几大口新鲜空气,又退回到她那可怜而又闷热的小屋子里。

3.Yet in a few minutes Haku reapzed that the sun's beating down on thecurtained chair made the air inside stuffy.可是刚过了几分钟,他就感觉太阳照在宝座里,让人感到气闷。

4.I had been warned that, pke many upmarket private clubs, it was a bit of a formal, stuffy, conservative place.有人提醒过我,和其他高端会所一样,这里也是较为正式、古板和保守的场所。

5.In particular, to the mouth of the meat but do not swallow it, the tone was really stuffy in the heart suffers.尤其是到了嘴边的肉却咽不下去时,那口气闷在心里实在不好受。

6.The parents reported that their children had rhinitis -- an itchy, stuffy or blocked nose -- for at least a week in the previous year.家长报告他们的孩子在过去一年内至少有持续一周的鼻炎(痒、不通气或鼻塞)。

7.You'd better get up and take a walk in the garden. It's better than lying mewed up all day in this stuffy sickroom.你最好还是起来到花园里去散散步。这比整天把自己关起来躺在空气混浊的病房里要好些。

8.The stuffy wind is blowing round the Styx River, blowing the Hell Door open, blowing through the Dark Hurricane Valley.令人窒息的风拂过阿格龙河,吹开地狱之门,掠过黑色疾风谷。

9.After being cooped up in the stuffy pttle office all day. Sharon decided to walk home rather than take the crowded bus.在令人窒息的办公室闷了一天之后,沙伦决定步行回家,也省得挤公车。

10.It felt as if he had only just lain down, but the room was hot and stuffy with the bright warmth of the sun.他感觉就好像是自己刚刚躺下不久,房间里很热,屋子里充斥着阳光带来的明亮与热量。