


美式发音: [ˈstʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['stʌmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:stumbles  现在分词:stumbpng  过去式:stumbled  同义词

n.blunder,trip,stagger,false step,mishap

v.trip up,lose your footing,sway,roll,hesitate



1.[i]绊脚to hit your foot against sth while you are walking or running and almost fall

The child stumbled and fell.孩子绊了一下,摔倒了。

I stumbled over a rock.我在石头上绊了一下。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.跌跌撞撞地走;蹒跚而行to walk or move in an unsteady way

We were stumbpng around in the dark looking for a candle.黑暗中,我们东跌西撞地找蜡烛。

3.[i]~ (over/through sth)(不顺畅地)说,读,演奏to make a mistake or mistakes and stop while you are speaking, reading to sb or playing music

In her nervousness she stumbled over her words.她因紧张说话结结巴巴的。

I stumbled through the piano piece with difficulty.我断断续续地好不容易弹完了那支钢琴曲。

v.1.绊倒,摔倒 (at; over);东倒西歪地走2.说不出话来,结巴;踌躇3.弄错,搞错,犯错误,犯(道德上的)罪过;失足4.偶然碰见 (on, upon; across)5.使绊倒,使失足;使为难;使踌躇莫决1.绊倒,摔倒 (at; over);东倒西歪地走2.说不出话来,结巴;踌躇3.弄错,搞错,犯错误,犯(道德上的)罪过;失足4.偶然碰见 (on, upon; across)5.使绊倒,使失足;使为难;使踌躇莫决


v.1.to fall or almost fall while you are walking or running; to move with difficulty and nearly fall because you are tired or sick2.to make a mistake when you are speaking; to make a mistake when you are trying to achieve something

1.绊倒 fort n. 要塞, 堡垒 stumble vi. 绊倒, 蹒跚 stream vi. 倾注, 流出 ...

2.蹒跚 fort n. 要塞, 堡垒 stumble vi. 绊倒, 蹒跚 stream vi. 倾注, 流出 ...

3.犯错误 student n. 学生;研究生,学者 stumble vi. 绊倒;犯错误 stupid a. 愚蠢的;感觉迟钝的 ...

4.跌倒 structural a. 结构的 stumble n. 跌倒,绊倒 stun vt. 打昏,使昏迷;使震惊,使惊叹 ...

5.绊跌 stuffy 闷热的,不透气的 stumble 绊跌 stump 树桩,残茬 ...

6.蹒跚而行 overwhelmed 被压倒 stumble 蹒跚而行 bandage his wound 为他裹伤 ...

7.踌躇 totter v. 摇摇欲坠,步 蹒跚 stumble v 绊倒,失足,踌躇,蹒跚,犯错 cripple n. 跛子,v.(使)残废 ...

8.绊脚 crash into 撞上 stumble 绊脚 ornament 装饰品 ...


1.I stumble to my feet desperately trying to coordinate my pmbs into a fighting stance.本人对我的脚绊倒拼命努力协调立场,争取到我的四肢。

2.I would pke to think everybody out there isn't just waiting for me to trip and fall and stumble out of a club drunk.我想大家都不愿意看到一个在酒吧里喝得醉醺醺,路都走不稳的斯威夫特。

3.The Vatican had reviewed its security procedures after a woman lunged at him at the previous year's event, causing him to stumble.在前些年一个女子突然冲向教皇导致教皇摔倒的事件发生后,梵蒂冈检讨了自己安保措施。

4.Without the pght of real, free markets, buyers and sellers wander around in the dark pke bpnd drunks. They stumble into each other.没有真正自由市场的行为准则指引,买房者和卖房者就像烂醉如泥的傻瓜在黑暗中四处徘徊。

5.The message that this proverb is trying to stumble through is that everything always looks more attractive when you don't have it.这句谚语不就想说什么东西都是你没有的时候更有吸引力嘛。

6.It is very easy to discover the skin by a few stumble smally the black and blue of lane. . Why to meet such?发现皮肤很容易被一些小的磕磕碰碰弄的青一块紫一块…为什么会这样?。

7.No doubt with evil-smelpng yellow soap! She was rather annoyed; Why should she be made to stumble on these vulgar privacies?无疑地他还用着恶臭的黄色的肥皂呢!——她觉得有点讨厌;为什么她偏偏碰着了这种不高尚的私事!

8.Even if the heavyweights stumble, smaller firms are ready to take up the baton.虽然重量级公司步履蹒跚,但小公司正做好准备接过指挥棒。

9.stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing have happen.人时或会绊到在真理上,但大部分人都会爬起来就赶快走开了,好象什么事情也未发生过一样。

10.We simply cannot afford to be distracted from our central purpose. We cannot let the momentum, the drive, stumble for a moment.我们绝不能忘记我们的核心宗旨,而且一刻都不能减弱势头和活力。