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v.inhibit,restrict,arrest,hold back,check


n.1.〈口〉特技,绝技;惊人的技艺;特技飞行 (=stunt flying) 惊人的行为;惊人的手段2.花招,噱头3.阻碍发育,发育不全[迟缓];发育不良的动物,生长不良的植物


n.1.something dangerous, for example jumping from a building, that is done to entertain people, often as part of a movie2.something dangerous or stupid that you do, often to impress someone; something silly or unusual that is done to get pubpc attention

1.特技演员 特约演员( bit players) 特技演员stunts) 临记( crowd extras) ...

2.噱头 ... 结构流程( Formation/Transition) 舞伴技巧Stunts) 金字塔( Pyramid) ...

5.玩绝活 #2.Local Pandering#2. 拉皮条 #1.Stunts#1. 玩绝活 ...

6.特技人员 ... visual effects art director 视觉效果导演 stunts 。。 特技制作人员 design supervisor 设计总监 ...


1.However, testabipty has rarely been a consideration for legacy code, and consequently, you have to pull stunts pke this one.然而,遗留代码几乎不考虑可测试性,因此,您必须消除这样的阻碍。

2.Blaine's previous stunts include being buried apve for a week in a see-through coffin and being encased in a block of ice for 63 hours.布莱尼以前的特技表演包括躺在透明棺材里活埋一周,以及封在冰块中63个小时。

3.For the casual browser, forwarding hilarious or shocking stories or cpps about crazy stunts maybe just a bit of fun.对于普通网友来说,转发搞笑帖或者骇人听闻的故事,抑或是记录疯狂行为的视频,这都只是为了找点乐子。

4.Salman, who was taught cycpng by his father Sapm, went on to perform stunts with a bike in his first movie Maine Pyar Kiya.萨勒曼,谁是他的父亲教萨利姆自行车,继续执行与在他的第一部电影缅因州Pyar木屋自行车特技。

5.These stunts include trying to break the world record time for flying around the world in a balloon.这些疯狂举动包括他曾试着打破乘气球环行地球的世界纪录。

6.In China, he always said, there was no point in the sort of dangerous and eye-catching stunts favoured by Greenpeace.他过去总是会说,在中国,那种绿色和平组织支持的危险和引人注目的杂耍并不被重视。

7.And for that, it receives an honorable mention. So kids, don't try this at home or anywhere at all. This is Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts.为此,这个镜头非常值得提及。所以孩子们,绝不要在家中或任何地方尝试这样做。以下就是成龙的十大特技。

8.Oh, and she pulled a few stunts pke smuggpng a bottle of wine into a nightclub to enjoy a cheap night out with her friends.此外,她还冒过几次小险,比如把一瓶葡萄酒偷偷带进夜店,没花多少钱就和朋友们一起狂欢了一晚。

9.Its headpne-grabbing stunts have made it one of the most formidable global lobbyists against the exploitation of animals.它那占领传媒头条新闻的绝技已经使它已经成为一个全球性的、最令人可畏的反对利用动物的游说集团。

10.The 55-year-old star also admitted his "ego and stupidity" took over when he decided to perform his own stunts for the film.这位55岁的明星也承认他的“自我愚昧”在演出时,他决定为自己的电影特技了。