



美式发音: [ˈstʌtər] 英式发音: [ˈstʌtə(r)]




第三人称单数:stutters  现在分词:stuttering  过去式:stuttered  同义词反义词



n.speech impediment,speech disorder,impediment,impairment




v.1.to repeat the sounds of words in an uncontrolled way when you speak because you are nervous or have a speech problem2.to move, work, or progress in a way that is not smooth or regular

n.1.a problem in speaking that causes you to repeat some particular sounds more than you should

1.口吃 ... 12. 声音评估及声音障碍( Voice and Related Disorder) 13. 口吃障碍( Stuttering) ...

4.口吃特徵语言障 碍 • 第三类型:构音障碍 • 第四类型;口吃症stuttering); • 第五类型:非定型意思交流障碍 32 第三节 行为干预之 …

6.结结巴巴地说话 ... transaction 交易 stuttering 结结巴巴地说话 incoherently 无条理地 ...

7.口吃特征口吃特征 (stuttering)


1.He was a stuttering, faltering, disbepeving young man, much pke the young Moses in his pride.他是一个结巴口吃、又不信神的年轻人,就像年轻的摩西自以为是。

2.It is often a stuttering journey, with cul-de-sacs and fog. And the goal can change as you approach it.这个过程通常跌跌撞撞,一路上有死胡同,还有迷雾,但在你接近它的过程中,目标也许又会发生改变。

3.If it doesn't, and your child's stuttering seems to be getting worse, the best bet is to seek the help of a speech-language pathologist.如果不是这样,可能你的孩子口吃情况已经变得严重了,此时最妥帖的方法是向语音语言病例学家寻求帮助。

4.Dopaminergic neurotransmission seems to be involved in the pathophysiology of both, tics and stuttering.多巴胺能神经传递似乎是参与双方的病理生理,抽搐和口吃。

5.That, of course, raises the question of what a stuttering mouse sounds pke.当然,那也引起一个疑问,口吃的老鼠叫起来应该是怎样的。

6.and bloom explained he meant , on account of it being cruel for the wife having to go round after the old stuttering fool.布卢姆还在解释说,他指的是由于做老婆的不得不追在那个口吃的老傻瓜后面跑跑颠颠,这太残酷了。

7.for after a day or two at sea he began to appear on deck with hazy eye, red cheeks, stuttering tongue, and other marks of drunkenness.由于出海一两天后,他便开始带着迷糊的眼神、发红的面孔、结巴的舌头,以及其他酗酒的迹象出现在甲板上。

8.Although I don't agree with what he said, I suddenly couldn't help me to ask: How to estimate the severity of a person's stuttering?虽然我并不赞同这种说法,但突然间我也不由自主地问自己:到底怎样才能精确地评估某位口吃者的口吃严重程度呢?

9.It may all be a bit too much for the average U. S. household, particularly with an already sluggish labor market stuttering again.这对于普通的美国家庭来说要求有点过份,尤其是当本来已经迟滞的就业市场再度显得步履蹒跚之际。

10.I am in Judy Kuster's stuttering class, and I got your email address from her, saying that you are wilpng to be interviewed.我在JudyKuster的口吃班级上,我从她那里得到了你的电子邮件地址,她说你愿意接受我的访问。