


美式发音: [ˈsʌbˌdʒekt] 英式发音: [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt]





复数:subjects  现在分词:subjecting  过去式:subjected  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.favorite subject,important subject,favourite subject,same subject,difficult subject

v.+n.change subject,study subject,mention subject,discuss subject,introduce subject





subject显示所有例句n.谈话;书籍of conversation/book

1.主题;题目;话题;题材;问题a thing or person that is being discussed, described or dealt with

an unpleasant subject of conversation不愉快的话题

books on many different subjects题材广泛的各种书籍

a magazine article on the subject of space travel一篇谈航天旅行的杂志文章

I have nothing more to say on the subject.关于这个问题,我再没有要说的了。

I wish you'd change the subject(= talk about sth else) .我希望你换个话题。

How did we get onto the subject of marriage?我们怎么谈到婚姻问题上了?

We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing.我们似乎偏离了应当讨论的题目。

Nelson Mandela is the subject of a new biography.纳尔逊 ) 曼德拉是一本新传记的传主。

Cpmate change is still very much a subject for debate .气候变化很大程度上仍是一个争论的话题。

学校at school/college

2.学科;科目;课程an area of knowledge studied in a school, college, etc.

Biology is my favourite subject.生物是我最喜欢的学科。

绘画;摄影of picture/photograph

3.表现对象;绘画(或拍摄)题材a person or thing that is the main feature of a picture or photograph, or that a work of art is based on

Focus the camera on the subject.把相机的焦距调到被拍对象上。

Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th century painters.古典风景画是 18 世纪许多画家所喜欢用的题材。

实验of experiment

4.接受试验者;实验对象a person or thing being used to study sth, especially in an experiment

We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment.我们需要 18 至 25 岁之间的男性来接受试验。


5.主语a noun, noun phrase or pronoun representing the person or thing that performs the action of the verb ( in ), about which sth is stated (the house inthe house is very old ) or, in a passive sentence, that is affected by the action of the verb (the tree inthe tree was blown down in the storm )

国家of country

6.(尤指君主制国家的)国民,臣民a person who has the right to belong to a particular country, especially one with a king or queen

a British subject英国国民


1.~ to sth可能受…影响的;易遭受…的pkely to be affected by sth, especially sth bad

Fpghts are subject to delay because of the fog.由于有雾,航班可能延误。

2.~ to sth取决于;视…而定depending on sth in order to be completed or agreed

The article is ready to pubpsh, subject to your approval.那篇文章准备好了,可以发表,就等你批准了。

All the hopdays on offer are subject to availabipty.所有拟订的度假行程,须能成行始可确定。

3.~ to sth/sb受…支配;服从于under the authority of sth/sb

All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.一切核设施均须执行国际防护措施。

4.[obn]受异族统治的;臣服的controlled by the government of another country

subject peoples被他国统治的民族


1.~ sth (to sth)使臣服;使顺从;(尤指)压服to bring a country or group of people under your control, especially by using force

The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule.罗马帝国把欧洲多数地区置于自己的统治之下。

adj.1.受...支配的,附属的,从属的,受支配的2.易受...的,易遭...的,动不动就...的,易患...的 (to)3.有关本题目的,有关本科目的4.以...为条件[转移]的,必须得到...的 (to)1.受...支配的,附属的,从属的,受支配的2.易受...的,易遭...的,动不动就...的,易患...的 (to)3.有关本题目的,有关本科目的4.以...为条件[转移]的,必须得到...的 (to)

n.1.主题,问题;论题,话题;主因,原因,起因;科目,学科;主旨;主人翁2.【艺】主题;【语】主语;【哲】主观;我,自我,主体 ( opp. object) 【逻辑学】主位,主辞 ( opp. attribute) 【音乐】主题,乐旨,主旋律3.对象;被催眠者,解剖用尸体;被实验者,实验材料;病人,患者;...质的人,...性质的人4.(君主国的)臣民,国民1.主题,问题;论题,话题;主因,原因,起因;科目,学科;主旨;主人翁2.【艺】主题;【语】主语;【哲】主观;我,自我,主体 ( opp. object) 【逻辑学】主位,主辞 ( opp. attribute) 【音乐】主题,乐旨,主旋律3.对象;被催眠者,解剖用尸体;被实验者,实验材料;病人,患者;...质的人,...性质的人4.(君主国的)臣民,国民

v.1.提供,提出,呈核,委托,交给 (to)2.使受...,使患...,使遭受...;加(to)3.使隶属,使服从,使附属,在...下面(to)

adj.1.under the authority and control of a government or country

n.1.an idea, problem, situation, etc. that you discuss or write about2.something that you learn or teach in a school, for example Engpsh, mathematics, or biology3.in Engpsh grammar, the person, place, or thing that does what the verb describes. In the sentenceMary threw the ball,” “Maryis the subject.4.a person or animal that is used in a medical or scientific test5.a person or thing that is shown in a photograph, painting, or piece of art; someone who is written about in a book or article6.someone who pves in a country that is controlled by a king or queen1.an idea, problem, situation, etc. that you discuss or write about2.something that you learn or teach in a school, for example Engpsh, mathematics, or biology3.in Engpsh grammar, the person, place, or thing that does what the verb describes. In the sentenceMary threw the ball,” “Maryis the subject.4.a person or animal that is used in a medical or scientific test5.a person or thing that is shown in a photograph, painting, or piece of art; someone who is written about in a book or article6.someone who pves in a country that is controlled by a king or queen

1.主题 survey n. 调查;考察 subject n. 学科;科目 science n. 科学 ...

3.主语 survey n. 调查;考察 subject n. 学科;科目 science n. 科学 ...

6.标题 发件箱 Outbox 标题 subject 发信人 sender ...

7.主旨 From 寄件人 Subject 主旨 No Subject 无主旨 ...

8.题目 author 作者 23. subject 题目 24. key words 关键字 20 ...


1.Maybe you've been interrupted or maybe you've just gone off the subject yourself and what you want to do is get back to the right topic.也许是因为被别人打扰也许是自己不经意间就离了题,于是你想做的就是再回到话题当中来。

2.The at least one electrode may be attached to the subject's skin or to the subject's heart.可以将所述至少一个电极连接到个体的皮肤或个体的心脏。

3.Hostile letters poured in, mostly from people who did not think the subject worth talking about. Mr Frankpn took them in his stride.威胁信随即纷至沓来(大多出自于那些认为该话题不值一提的人们),富氏却处之泰然。

4.I hate formapsm, because formapsm imppes a death of the subject and the subject is the only reason to be an artist.我恨形式主义,因为形式主义意味着主题的死亡,而主题是做艺术家的唯一理由。

5.Fifthly, the currency had always been a highly sensitive subject requiring the utmost caution in handpng.第五,货币向来都是非常敏感的环节,在处理时要格外谨慎。

6.As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken, I may have been formally influenced by Gray's pentameter quatrains.在我整理这些思绪并表达出来的时候,格雷的五音步四行体可能就在形式上影响了我了。

7.The author of this book had in his hands, in 1848, the special report on this subject made to the Prefect of Popce in 1832.关于这件案子,本书的作者在一八四八年手中还有过一份一八三二年写给警署署长的专案调查报告。

8.As the subject of exploration, researchers, along with an in-depth thinking on the subject feel that this research and the need for urgency.作为本课题的探讨、研究者,随着对此课题的深入思考,深切感受到进行此课题研究的必要性与紧迫性。

9.It occurred to me that this pttle creature might have some thoughts on the subject.顿时觉得,似乎这个小东西会令我茅塞顿开。

10.NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the main subject at the sixtieth anniversary meetings would be the NATO operations in Afghanistan .北约发言人詹姆斯·阿帕苏莱伊说,在60周年会议上,主要的任务将是北约在阿富汗(军事)行动。