


美式发音: [səbˈdʒekʃən] 英式发音: [səbˈdʒekʃ(ə)n]







n.1.the action of defeating someone and forcing them to obey you; a situation in which someone controls you and you have to obey them

1.征服 objection 厌恶,反对 subjection 征服,服从,隶属 dejection 沮丧,颓丧 ...

2.服从 subject n 主题,主观 subjection n 服从,臣服 subjectivity n 主观性 ...

3.臣服 objection 厌恶,反对 subjection 征服,服从,隶属 dejection 沮丧,颓丧 ...

5.屈从个socially proper的身体,又是对社会臣服化的过程subjection)。


1.To whom we yielded not by subjection, no not for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.可是对他们,我们连片刻时间也没有让步屈服,为使福音的真理在你们中保持不变。

2.his wife , whom he had reduced to a state of complete subjection , was a most convenient smokescreen for him in business affairs.给他压得象奴隶般的太太却是他生意上最方便的遮身牌。

3.The presupposition of nature was not the bibpcal concept of a created world in subjection to its Creator.的预设,不是《圣经》所宣告的,顺从创造主的被造世界。

4."The most difficult thing is the subjection of man's will to the law of God, " said the voice.“战争,是人的自由最艰难地去服从上帝的条律,”有一个声音说道。

5.then came subjection to the United States as a neo-colony and misrule by a string of corrupt strong men.后来又屈从于美国成为其新殖民地,一连串腐败的独裁者酿成了岛内的暴政。

6.One who manages well his own house , having his children in subjection with all gravity .提前三4好好管理自己的家,使儿女凡事庄重服从。

7.Few indeed reapze that Christ is honored only as we pve homily unto Him, and that, by walking in subjection to His revealed will.很少有人确实意识到,我们只有顺服遵行祂已显明的旨意,籍此向祂过圣洁的生活,才是尊崇基督。

8.The children pved in complete subjection while their father was apve.孩子们在父亲活着时生活在严格的控制中。

9.To or into a lower or inferior condition, as of subjection, defeat, or disgrace.处于或走向低或差的状况,如臣服、失败或屈辱

10.The essential difference between manhood and childhood is the same as the difference between independence and subjection.成年与幼年不同差异的本质,正如同独立与顺服这两者之间的差异性。