


美式发音: [ˈsʌbˌset] 英式发音: ['sʌb.set]



复数:subsets  同义词




1.分组;小组;子集a smaller group of people or things formed from the members of a larger group


n.1.a small group of people or things that is a part of a larger group

1.子集 空集 void 子集 subset 交集 intersection ...

2.子集合 207. pointer n. 指针,指示字 208. subset n. 子集,子设备 209. keyboard n. 键盘 ...

4.子集帧 subgroup 循环的 subset 子集子设备 superclass subclass abstract class 超类子类抽象类 ...

6.用户电话机 subsequent pulses 脉冲串 subset 用户电话机 substandard propagation 亚标准传播 ...

7.采用子集......................................................................................... 11

8.求子集 length: 求长度 subset求子集 seq,from:to,sequence: 等差序列 ...


1.To present a large set of data in manageable sets, the requirement is often to present only a subset of data per page.在可管理的组中表示一大组数据,提供每页数据的子集是经常的需求。

2.Remember that? They built a virtuapzation layer, threw on it a subset of the Windows API, and nothing.记住那?他们建立了虚拟化层,投掷了在它视窗的一个子集API,和没什么。

3.Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.常义的当一个数集至少有一个不在某个子集里时,这个数集的子集的,或与之有关的。

4.To overcome this, we picked the concept of streams: a stream (input or output) only deals with a subset of the data of an element.为了克服这点,我们使用了流:一个流(输入流或输出流)只处理单个项的数据子集。

5.The Product Owner selected a subset of these items, which constituted the possible product backlog to be considered for the sprint.产品负责人挑选出这些项目的一个子集,包含考虑在sprint中解决的可能产品待办事项。

6.The data required at a secondary server might be a subset of the data available at the primary server ( see first diagram above ) .辅助服务器所需的数据可能是主服务器中的可用数据的子集(见上方第一个关系图)。

7.Business logic might be run in parallel over all or just a subset of the partitions of the data.业务逻辑可以完全并行运行,或者仅仅是数据分区的一个子集。

8.This will alert to the CodeDom tree builder of any place in their code where they don't meet subset conformance.这样可以提醒CodeDom树生成器注意在它们的代码中那些不符合子集规范的内容所在的位置。

9.Browsers don't seem to currently support external or parameter entities in the internal subset, probably as a security measure.浏览器目前似乎不支持内部子集中的外部实体或参数实体,这也许是一个安全措施。

10.As you build your extension and exchange schemas, you might need additional components from NIEM that you did not include in your subset.在构建扩展架构和交换架构时,您可能需要自己的子集中不包括的来自NIEM的额外组件。