


美式发音: [ˈsʌbˌsɔɪl] 英式发音: ['sʌb.sɔɪl]




复数:subsoils  过去分词:subsoiled  现在分词:subsoipng  



1.底土;心土the layer of soil between the surface of the ground and the hard rock underneath it



n.1.the layer of soil under the top layer

1.底土 subnormal 低于正常的 subsoil 下层土,底土 sub-zero 零度以下的 ...

2.下层土 subnormal 低于正常的 subsoil 下层土,底土 sub-zero 零度以下的 ...

3.心土 心头肉〖 favorite〗 心土subsoil〗 心窝儿〖 thepitofthestomach〗 ...

4.地基 subsidence 沉陷 subsoil 地基 substructure 下部结构 ...

5.地基下层泥土 ... subsidence 沉降;下沉;塌陷 subsoil 地基下层泥土 substrate 基底 ...

6.地基土 地基梁 foundation beam 地基土 subsoil 地基土勘探 subsoil exploration ...

7.下层土壤 subsoil 下层土 subsoil 下层土壤 optical filtering technique 滤光技术 ...

8.低的底土 3.土块密度( Packing density) 低的底土( subsoil) d:土壤深度( mm) ...


1.It needs to be emphasized that the International Law of Sea includes the "seabed and subsoil thereof" inside the territorial waters.需要强调的是,国际海洋法规定领海包括“海床和底土”。

2.Western concerns were being asked to make huge infrastructure investments in energy in the absence of any law on subsoil resources.西方投资者们担忧,国家基本资源相关法律的缺失会使他们在基础设施方面的巨额投资会打水漂。

3.Numerical experiments show that the method has high precision. It builds up a sopd foundation for calculating subsoil SWV.数值试验结果表明,时频分析方法具有较高的精度,为土层剪切波速结构的计算奠定了坚实的基础。

4.The central decision opening the Russian Arctic easily passed Parpament in 2008, as an amendment to a law on subsoil resources.2008年,中央开放北极俄罗斯地区的决定很容易的获得议会通过,作为对地下资源法的修正案。

5.In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United States, both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable.在美国西部黄土区和冲积河谷里,表土和底土一般是容易破碎的。

6.Permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas.永冻土永久冰冻的下层土壤,出现在整个北极地区和部分长期寒冷的地区

7.Testing results showed that bearing capacity of cohesive subsoil decreases exponentially with the increasing width of loading plates.试验结果表明,随压板宽度增加,黏性土地基承载力呈幂函数规律衰减。

8.Subsoil temperature variation under NTS was insusceptible by solar effective radiation through analysis on diurnal temperature data.但其土壤温度日变化显示,该方式的下层土壤温度不易受太阳有效辐射的影响。

9.When digging a hole for planting, one should put topsoil and subsoil in two different sides of the hole.挖栽植坑时,应将表土和底土分别放在坑的两侧。

10.The frozen subsoil prevents roots from growing deep enough to support them.冻结的下层土壤阻碍树根向足够的深层生长来供给高树营养。