


美式发音: [səˈbɜrbən] 英式发音: [səˈbɜː(r)bən]





adj.+n.suburban district





1.郊区的;城外的in or connected with a suburb

suburban areas郊区地带

a suburban street郊区街道

pfe in suburban London伦敦郊区的生活

2.平淡乏味的;呆板的boring and ordinary

a suburban pfestyle平淡乏味的生活方式



adj.1.in a suburb, or relating to a suburb; typical of the attitudes and way of pfe of people who pve in the suburbs, which some people consider rather boring and conservative

1.郊区的 wire n. 电线 suburban adj. 郊区的;市郊的 display vt. 展示;陈列 ...

2.郊外的 Zoe 佐伊(女子名) suburban adj. 郊外的, 偏远的 skyway n. 航线 ...

3.郊区居民 Subaru 速霸陆 Suburban 郊区居民 Sunbird 太阳鸟 ...

4.见识不广的 urban 城市的 suburban 见识不广的 can 把食品装罐 ...

5.近郊 近畿〖 thecapitalcity’senvirons〗 近郊suburban〗 近景〖 close-upscenery〗 ...

6.市郊 subtransferor 次出让人 suburban 近郊;市郊 subvented building project 资助工程计划 ...

7.市郊的 wire n. 电线 suburban adj. 郊区的;市郊的 display vt. 展示;陈列 ...


1.DEGREES is how much hotter Manhattan is on average than surrounding suburban areas.曼哈顿比周围的郊区温度平均高出7度。

2.Agent Harry Trombitas said 43-year-old Alan Garrett turned himself in Friday, two days after the bank holdup in suburban Galloway.探员哈利·特罗比塔斯说,43岁的阿兰·格兰特已经于周五,也就是他在盖洛威郊区实行银行抢劫的两天后认罪。

3.The lawn has become so much a part of the suburban landscape that it is difficult to see it as something that had to be invented.草地已经是郊区景观的一个重要组成部分,很难想象它曾经是被发明出来的。

4.Back in the U. S. , it seems every time I'm out running errands in my suburban New Jersey town I spot at least one person wearing pajamas.在美国新泽西州我所居住的郊区小镇,似乎每回我出去办事都至少能看到一个穿睡衣的人。

5.A gunfight also unfolded yesterday in Monterrey, northern Mexico as Army and drug hitmen battled it out in a suburban neighbourhood.同时,昨天在蒙特雷北墨西哥的军队与毒贩武装在蒙特雷的近郊发生交火。

6.At least this one time every year, many city and suburban folk get a chance to experience a bit of that cowhand pfe of old.至少每年的这个时候,很多城市和郊区人能有机会体验古老的牛仔生活。

7.Now in his early fifties, Jobs pve quietly privately, with his wife and four kids in a large, unostentatious house in suburban Palo Alto.他现在五十来岁了,乔布斯活的非常安静且隐秘,他与他的妻儿住在帕洛阿尔托郊区的一所普通的房子中。

8.There still seems to be a lack of awareness in the rural and suburban communities about the threat the virus poses to humans and animals.在农村和城市社区中,人们对病毒给人类和动物造成的威胁似乎缺乏认识。

9.Halfway downtown we passed by a suburban branch of the Canadian bank to which the Bank of China had wired the delegation's travel money.途中,我们路过了一家加拿大银行的郊区支行,代表团的差旅费正是从中国银行汇至这家银行的。

10.The doorbell of LJ's suburban house rings and he heads to open it. He looks out the front door.在郊外,LJ家的门铃响起,他走过去开了门。