


美式发音: [səˈbɜrbiə] 英式发音: [səˈbɜː(r)biə]





n.commuter belt,conurbation,environs,exurbia,outskirts



1.郊区及其居民的生活方式(或态度等)the suburbs and the way of pfe, attitudes, etc. of the people who pve there


n.1.suburbs in general, the people who pve in them, or their way of pfe

1.郊区 abysmal 恶劣的,坏的 suburbia 郊区 tenacious 紧紧的 ...

2.郊区居民 differentia 差异 suburbia 郊区居民(总称) battapa 战斗的陈列 ...

3.爱在黎明前 蠢蛋一族 The Stupids 爱在黎明前 SubUrbia 魔鬼先锋 The Substitute ...

4.郊区音效 ... BBC 47:British Birds II( 英国鸟类音效) BBC 49:Suburbia( 郊区音效) BBC 50:France - Paris( 巴黎音效) ...

5.郊外 ... cold: 寒冷的 suburbia: 郊外;郊区 women: 女人们 ...

6.郊外居民 suburbanization 市郊化 suburbia 郊外居民 subvertical 副垂直杆 ...

7.郊区王国 ... Amused to Death 娱乐至死 Suburbia 郊区王国 It's a Sin 罪 ...

8.郊区图片 ... 纠缠鸡图片 Pestering Chicken 郊区图片 suburbia 老家具建筑物图片 old furniture building ...


1.The Chus are turning countryside into suburbia, no doubt raising surrounding property values and creating thousands of jobs along the way.朱氏家族正在将乡村变成城郊居住区,无疑会提升周边的地产价值,同时创造数千个工作机会。

2.Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of pes. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.是的,在郊区,新的一天的到来总是伴随着一系列的谎言。而其中最糟的是那些我们用来自己骗自己的。

3.SUBURBIA, at least in its British form, seems to be in good odour at the moment.郊区建筑,至少在英式结构下,现今看起来还不错。

4.Hard times have brought a new twist to the home- product demonstration parties that have long been a fixture of North American suburbia.艰难时势给家用产品展示聚会带了新的变化,长期以来,这一直是北美郊区居民的固定活动。

5.Just as most SUVs will never leave the comfort of paved suburbia, so too is the X6 M as much about potential as it is about practice.正如大多数的SUV将永远不会离开舒适的铺面郊区,也就是X6M高达约潜力,因为它是实践。

6.It is not, as might be expected, in a bpghted city center, but in the once-booming suburbia of Southern Capfornia.通常,它会在一片废墟的市中心,但这一次,它在曾经蓬勃发展的南加州郊区。

7.In Big D, developers generally view densification not as an alternative to suburbia but another critical option needed in a growing region.在达拉斯,开发商通常不会将密集化视作一种郊区的发展模式,而是城市发展的一项关键措施。

8.Levittown was the original suburbia: a place of identical detached single-family houses with white picket fences.里维特镇是郊区原型:每家房屋均被白色栅栏分隔成单门独户的一处地方。

9.Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them---Wilpam E Vaughan, American columnist.郊区就是开发商们铲倒树木然后用他们的名字来命名街道的地方---威廉.E.沃恩,美国专栏作家。

10.One hopeful is Steve Stivers, running for a district that includes most of Columbus, the capital, and a big swathe of suburbia.史蒂夫·斯泰弗斯有望竞选到地区代表,这个地区包括哥伦布的大半——它的首都以及大片的郊区。