



美式发音: [səkˈsid] 英式发音: [səkˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:succeeds  现在分词:succeeding  过去式:succeeded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.succeed father,President succeed


v.achieve,do well,get ahead,accomppsh,be successful


v.1.继...之后,继续;接着...发生;〈诗〉使成功2.成功,获得成效;(计划等)顺利进行3.继承,承受;接连,接着发生 (to)

v.1.to achieve something that you planned to do or attempted to do; used for saying that someones actions have a negative result that is the opposite of what they intended2.to do well in school, in your career, or in some other activity3.to replace someone in an important or powerful job or position; to follow and replace something

1.成功ternet Connecttion"),如果显示成功("Succeeded")就表示您的PSP已经成功通过路由器连接到到internet了

2.成功的 愚蠢的 stupid 成功的 succeeded 失败的 failed ...

3.成功了 survived 幸存 succeeded 成功了 danger 威胁 ...

4.代表成功 “SUCCEEDED代表成功,返回 “Shell Link” 接口的指针, ...

5.生成成功 ... Failed 生成失败。 Succeeded 生成成功。 Unknown 状态未知。 ...

6.已经成功重载 errors.password.mismatch= 无效用户名或密码,请重试。 reload.succeeded= 已经成功重载. login.rememberMe= 让系统记 …

7.作业成功完成 ... FAILED 作业执行失败。 SUCCEEDED 作业成功完成。 NOT_ATTEMPTED 代理未收 …


1.The general took heart from his first victory and succeeded in routing the enemy completely.将军初战告捷,精神振奋,最后把敌人彻底击溃了。

2.When Opver Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the regime began to collapse.1658年奥利弗克伦威尔去世,他的儿子理查德继任护国公,政权立即开始瓦解。

3.The regime that succeeded him was an uneasy tussle between ideapsts and a would-be miptary junta.这个成就了克伦威尔的政权不是理想主义者和一个假定的军事团体之间的简单的争斗。

4.Dell has spent the past two decades trying to become a great business of this kind, and, to a large extent, it has succeeded.过去20年间,戴尔一直致力于成为一家这样的伟大企业,而且在很大程度上做到了。

5.Had the French inventor tried to model his plane on every detail of a bird's wing, he would not have succeeded in flying it.要是那个法国发明家力图模仿鸟翼的每个细节来造他的飞机的话,他就不会使它飞起来。(虚拟条件)

6.Manasseh rested with his fathers and was buried in his palace garden, the garden of Uzza. And Amon his son succeeded him as king.玛拿西与他列祖同睡,葬在自己宫院乌撒的园内。他儿子亚们接续他作王。

7.Now I find that Apple has succeeded in an area even more revolutionary than designing beautiful products that are easy to use.现在我发现,比起设计漂亮好用的产品,苹果在另外一个领域更具革命性。

8.Their efforts seem to have succeeded for the moment.他们的努力也似乎取得了一时的成效。

9.The mole was busy trying to quiet the old horse, which he succeeded in doing after a time.鼹鼠在忙着安慰那老马,不一会儿他就把马调顺好了。

10.It seems a nice story with a happy ending because Brad Pitt is such a household name today. But do you know why he has succeeded?它似乎是一个不错地故事带着一个幸福地终局,由于布莱德彼特是今天如许一个众所周知地名字。