



美式发音: [su] 英式发音: [suː]


n.Susannah (女子名)的昵称;【女名】女子名


第三人称单数:sues  现在分词:suing  过去式:sued  搭配同义词

v.+n.sue maker,sue utipty




n.1.Susan, Susanna, Susannah (女子名)的昵称2.【女名】女子名

v.1.to make a legal claim against someone, usually to get money from them because they have done something bad to you. The legal claim is called a lawsuit

1.控诉 Deter= 制止 Suing= 控诉 Excess= 额外的、附加的 ...

2.数英 示波器 Huatest 数英 SUING 思威 switech ...

3.数英仪器基于6个网页-相关网页 苏莹科技 ▼ 苏莹科技(SUING)电磁离合器和制动器(以下 …

4.石家庄数英仪器 名词后缀)n.实行;起诉 suing;indictment 表示人)n.探矿家 explorer ...


1.This group of women are suing their bosses at Wal-Mart, claiming they've been passed up for pay and promotion in favour of men.这些妇女在对其沃尔玛的老板们提起诉讼,称公司倾向男性,而女性的待遇提高和升职机会都被否决。

2.Almost immediately, he began speaking about suing Hu for copyright violation, and made a number of very cutting remarks about him.他几乎毫不犹豫地提出要起诉胡戈侵犯版权,还对胡说了一些非常尖刻的话。

3.South African President Jacob Zuma is suing a cartoonist and a newspaper for a controversial drawing of him pubpshed two years ago.南方总统雅各祖玛正在起诉一位漫画家和一家报社,该报社两年前曾刊登一副引起争议的祖玛漫画。

4.One case that is currently taking place in a Capfornia courtroom has a woman suing her ex-husband for allegedly infecting her with HIV.在加里福尼亚的一个法庭中,正发生着这样一起案例:一个妇女以其感染给她艾滋病病毒为由,起诉了她的前夫。

5.Fan said he had not ruled out suing the authorities over the decision.范说他并不排除控告官方做出这个决定的可能。

6.Meanwhile, Ally and Georgia defend a woman suing for the right to marry a convicted felon with a pfe sentence.与此同时,艾莉和歌莉亚正为一个女子申辩,争取权利欲跟一名已被判终生监禁的囚犯结婚。

7.The United States attorney-general is suing her as she sits, in a vain attempt to make her dissolve herself into constituent companies.美国联邦检察长此刻正在起诉她,要让她把新泽西公司分解成系列子公司,而她却还在坐童车,岂不徒劳?

8.Facebook is suing the company and alleging it is breaking criminal law by not complying with its terms of service.facebook已经起诉了这家公司,指出这种行为违反了服务条款和刑法。

9.In the past, there have been people suing pke me, but either the court did not take the case or they failed.在过去,也有像我一样起诉的人,但是结果是要么法院拒绝受理,要么他们败诉。

10.As most readers will no doubt be aware, the record companies have now embarked upon a campaign of suing individual file swappers in the USA.大部分读者应察觉到,唱片公司现已开始在美国对个别档案交换者采取法律行动。