


美式发音: ['sʊmə] 英式发音: ['sʊmə]






n.1.a summary of what is known of a subject, especially a medieval treatise on theology, philosophy, canon law, or alchemy

1.大全 Balaam1. 巴兰希伯来先知,被派去诅咒以色列人,受到所骑驴子的责备后,转而为以色列人祝福; summa1. 总结性论文;知识大全 ...

5.总论 总路线〖 generalpneofthepary〗 总论summa〗 总谱〖 fullscore;score〗 ...

6.神学大纲2. 亚里斯多德将存有界加以分类,此哲学系统影响「神学大纲(Summa) J 的分类,使神学系统化。 在亚里斯多德哲学的影响 …

7.神学概要xander of Hales)或以他的名字发表的神学纲要Summa),则认为坚振圣事是经圣神默启而在摩(Meaux)所举行的会议…


1.But to be the first person to take a major social change in market across the world. It's quite reference to the microcredit summa.而是首先在世界范围内发起了重大市场变革,这与小额信贷的统一规划息息相关。

2.Even if every one of his doctrines were mistaken, the Summa would remain an imposing intellectual edifice.即使他的每一个学说都是错误的,《辑要》这书仍将不失为知识上的一座宏伟的大厦。

3.He certainly understands that it is fundamental, but he does not place it as the summa that it is.他当然知道它是基础的,但未当它是综合性理论。

4.If you could summa the importance of your findings in one sentence, what would it be?如果用一句话概括你的发现的重要性,你会说什么?

5.This summa vacation, mum asked to me to do some useful things, for example, reading books, swimming, learning Engpsh.本大全休假,妈妈要求我做一些有益的事情,例如,看书,游泳,学习英语。

6.Janice Weber is a summa cum laude graduate of the Eastman School of Music.贾尼斯·韦伯作为最优异的研究生毕业于伊斯曼音乐学校。

7.Summa cum laude is a total average grade in all courses (Chinese and Canadian) greater than 90%.最杰出学生奖获奖者(所有的中国和加拿大的课程)的所有学科的平均分为90%。

8.Graduation from a well-known university with summa cum laude is regarded as a big academic success.从名牌大学以最高荣誉毕业,被认为学术上一大成就。

9.Glauber worked on the atomic bomb from 1944 to 1946, and graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1946.芒硝工作,对原子弹,从1944年至1946年,毕业于优异成绩从哈佛学院于1946年。

10.List academic honors such as dean "s pst, distinctions such as summa cum laude, scholarships and other awards. "列出学术方面引以为荣的人物,如院长的名单;列出所有殊荣,诸如最高荣誉,奖学金及其他奖励。