



美式发音: [ˈsʌmɪt] 英式发音: ['sʌmɪt]



复数:summits  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.summit meeting,host summit,hold summit,reach summit,attend summit

adj.+n.annual summit,economic summit,final summit,recent summit,upcoming summit





n.1.a meeting or series of meetings between leaders of two or more countries2.the top of a mountain3.the highest level of achievement in something

1.百岳 Faces of TKSG 众生相 100 Summits 百岳 2007 Scouting Sunrise 童军百年 日昇活 …


1.His reward was that the euro zone will have two summits a year and its own secretariat.他的提议是欧元区将会有一年两次的峰会和属于自己的秘书处。

2.Mr. Karzai also requested from his two counterparts that outside parties be allowed to participate in future tri-partite summits.卡尔扎伊还要求两个邻国,应该允许其它国家参与今后的三方峰会。

3.Once upon a time, the outcomes of European Union summits were, at best, of purely local interest.曾经有一段时间,欧盟(EU)峰会的结果最多只涉及局部利益。

4.I had never been before and with such summits as the Eiffel Tower on offer it just had to be done.我还没有去过巴黎也没有登顶过埃菲尔铁塔,邀请里可是承诺了这点。

5.Summits sometimes dissuade leaders from beggaring their neighbours, since the neighbours' complaints may have to be faced in person.本次峰会也不时劝阻国家领导人去哀求其邻国,因为其邻国的抱怨可能会转化为直接的措施。

6.They had no plan to deal with such a crisis. Getting governments organised in eurozone summits or G20 meetings was the best they could do.这些人对于该如何解决这场危机全无打算,把各国政府组织起来参加欧元区峰会或G20会议就是他们能想到的最好办法了。

7.But at least both sides got to express their views without trading blows or dispatching gunboats . That's what summits are for.不过,至少双方在表达意见时没有提到采取贸易报复或派遣炮艇,这就是峰会的意义之所在吧。

8.Arcane discussions about treaty change and rows about Britain's place in Europe have been the stuff of EU summits for pterally generations.围绕条约修订的秘密讨论,以及关于英国在欧洲地位的吵闹,在几代人的时间里,一直存在于欧盟峰会上。

9.But down the years, economic summits have been a waste of time for a reason, and some things even Barack Obama cannot change.但是,多年来经济峰会无果而终是有原因的,而且有些事情连巴拉克·奥巴马也改变不了。

10."They will be distinctive summits, " said Mr Harper. Or to put it another way, one will be important. The other won't.“这些峰会将各有不同,”哈珀表示。换言之,其中一个峰会将十分重要,而另一个则不会那么重要。