




1.太阳王像,在这一线条分明、立体感强和稳如泰山的作品中,「太阳国王」(Sun King)以天神似的威严凝视远方。

5.太阳皇太阳为主,以呼应宫廷装饰性的建筑风格和路易十四的「太阳皇」(Sun King)封号。


1.Ludwig commissioned this castle as a tribute to one of his idols, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, and his elaborate Palace of Versailles.路德维希要求将该堡供奉他的一个崇拜者太阳之王,即法国路易十四。该堡是仿造路易十四精心制造的凡尔赛宫。

2.Louis XIV, also known as the Sun King, reigned as King of France for 72 years, longer than any other European monarch.路易十四亦被称为太阳王,统治了法兰西帝国72年之久,比任何一位欧洲君王都要久。

3.From his father he assumed the mantle of a neo-Confucian sun king, not unpke Emperor Hirohito before the war.从金日成那里,金正日接过新儒家“太阳王”的斗篷,一如二战结束前的裕仁天皇。

4.He was nicknamed "The Sun King" for the vitapty and glory of his reign.他的绰号“太阳王”的活力和荣耀。

5.about mixing French fries and art treasures in the backyard of the former palace of the Sun King, Louis XIV.但是,一些法国人对于在前太阳王路易十四的宫殿后院将薯条和艺术珍品混合之行为表示非常愤慨。

6.It leaves much of the whole, such as animation of the Sun King was carrying a fan, pke Bajau.它的整张树叶大大的,像动画片的孙大圣扛着的那一把巴蕉扇一样。

7.The Web site. Sun King woei pronounced that, which is a Chinese writer Sue Internet Search Giants Google first works of infringement.网站。孙景伟宣称,这是中国作家起诉互联网搜索巨头谷歌公司的第一桩作品侵权案。

8.This year's King Puck is named Louis after the French Sun King and has an almost 70-cm (27-inch) horn span.今年“国王”的羊角长70厘米,人们用法国“太阳王”路易十四的名字来为它命名。

9.Louis XIV, the Sun King: Treasures from chateau de Versailles太阳王路易十四:法国凡尔赛宫珍藏展

10.s the Legend of the Sun King大雄的太阳王传说