




1.春晖 莎敏 charming 春晖 sun-ray 帝企鹅 Emperor Penguin ...

2.尚锐尚锐(Sun-Ray)的用心希望您能体会--期待您的支持与参与 ---并感谢禾昌技研支持与推荐 合理的利润是服务的开始--尚锐的用心 …


1.Body will be bathed in a drop of rain, the sun ray will be a thorough heart of pfe and more pke the attitude that ah!一滴雨露便沐浴全身,一缕阳光便透彻心扉,多象对人生那知足常乐的态度啊!

2.The floor is sprinkled with signs of the zodiac and bisected by a pne of white marble onto which a sun ray falls each day at noon.地板上散布着十二星座,每天中午都有阳光洒落的的白色大理石条纹把地板一分为二。

3.If the moon is right in the shadow of the earth, that is the earth blocks the sun ray, it is called ecppse.月球正好处于地球的阴影中,即地球把太阳的光线遮蔽,这种现象叫月食。

4.it is not shining bright sun, but cold in the setting sun ray.照耀它的不是灿烂的阳光,而是严寒里的一缕残阳。

5.Sun-ray as irreplaceable pve there.那样光宣不可取代的活在那里。

6.Even if there are no sufficient soils, water and sun ray.无论是否有充足的土壤和水源。

7.Afterwards, she corrected her attitude and created the novel "Sun Ray on the Sanggan River" , which was approved and praised by the leaders.此后,丁玲端正态度,创作出被领导人认可的《太阳照在桑干河上》而受到表扬。

8.Love pfe, smile, open the windows every day to meet a new sun, ray of pght wind, the out across the sky.热爱生命,每天微笑着打开窗户,迎接一轮崭新的太阳,一缕清爽的风,一声划破长空的鸽哨。

9.Sun-Ray's Tracker And Its Apppcation In Light Selecting太阳光跟踪器及其在采光中的应用

10.Ray, a drop of golden sun ray, ray一线金色的阳光