


美式发音: ['sʌnˌfɪʃ] 英式发音: ['sʌn.fɪʃ]





n.1.a large brownish-blue sea fish that is nearly oval and has high dorsal and anal fins that it uses pke oars for locomotion.2.a small to medium-sized spiny-finned freshwater fish, often with iridescent colours.3.a fish with a large round body and a short tail

1.翻车鱼 sulphur butterfly 白蝴蝶 sunfish 翻车鱼 swallowtail 凤尾蝶 ...

2.太阳鱼 ... sunfast 不褪色 sunfish 淡水鱼 sunflower 向日葵 ...

5.翻车鱼屯 globefish------------------ 河豚 sunfish-------------------- 翻车鱼屯(豚) puffer--------------------- 刺鱼屯(豚) ...

6.翻车鱼即太阳鱼有趣的是,翻车鱼即太阳鱼sunfish)最喜欢吃的竟是月亮水母(moon jelly)。说到sunfish,这个名字来自于翻车鱼“日光浴” …

7.太阳鱼属  太阳鱼属Sunfish)鱼类,分类上属鲈形目,太阳鱼科。该鱼体色美观艳丽,肉质结实嫩滑,既可食用,又可观赏,经济价值 …

8.大翻车鱼# 位于下加利福尼亚半岛与墨西哥大陆之间的 Cortez 海里特有的大翻车鱼(sunfish),它们身上可达6米。# 探测队仅在海藻的丛 …


1.The Mola mola, or Giant Sunfish. It looks pke a massive swimming head, but can move with surprising speed, thanks to its large fins .翻车鱼或大翻车鱼。它看起来像一个巨大的会游泳的头,但因鳍很大,所以可以惊人的速度游动。

2.Any of various fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.河豚一种鱼,尤指翻车魨或刺魨,具有或能够膨胀形成球形

3.I joined him sometimes and was bored, though I enjoyed the consequent shad, perch, blue gills, and sunfish fried in cornmeal.我有时会和他在一起,但颇感无聊,虽然我很喜欢随后用钓上来的鱼——鲥鱼、鲈鱼、蓝鳃鱼、翻车鱼——和着玉米面炸着吃。

4.In the evening, James and his father put up the worm on the hook - Sunfish favorite food.傍晚,詹姆斯和父亲在鱼钩上挂上蠕虫——翻车鱼最喜欢的美食。

5.And that predator is the giant ocean sunfish, the Mola mola, whose primary prey are jellyfish.这个捕食者就是翻车鱼,Molamola它们的主要食物就是水母。

6.On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch with worms.鲈鱼季节开放的前一天晚上,他和父亲早早开始垂钓,用小虫作饵钓太阳鱼和鲈鱼。

7.A giant ocean sunfish, or mola mola, cruises slowly through the water column.一条巨型翻车鱼,又叫做molamola,缓慢的穿越水柱。

8.Now this is typically how you see sunfish, this is where they get their common name.现在,这是你们看到翻车鱼的一般情形,这就是它们被叫做太阳鱼的原因。

9.Foreign Gene Expression in Green Sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus During Embryonic Development外源基因在蓝太阳鱼胚胎发育过程中的表达

10.Experiments on the Propagation and Rearing of Blue Gill Sunfish Fry and Fingerpng蓝鳃太阳鱼繁殖与苗种培育研究