


网络释义:Standard Upper Ontology; 琑嗦; 周防(suou)


1.Standard Upper Ontology ... sui 荽 suo 琑嗦 ta 侤沓遢 ...

3.周防(suou) 长门 NAGATO 周防 SUO 安艺 AKI ...

4.所以 si 私下—(二4)第四课 suo 所以,等—(一24)第九课 tan 贪心—(七7)第十一课 ...

5.镇 (Huan 镁: (Suo : (zhen 镈: ...


1.Current, suo Ni still is in phase of research and development in energy section, did not enter the industrial phase of materiapty.今朝,索尼在能源区域还处于研发阶段,没有进入本色性的工业阶段。

2.Im going to show you a strange place where foreigners are more, may be you know it, its YANG SUO XI JIE.这次你来,我想带你到一个外国人比中国人还多的神秘地方,猜猜是哪里呢,也许你一定听说过吧,那就是阳朔西街。

3.Professor Suo: I work on theory, so if I have an idea, I just write it out; this way it is possible to have a lot of articles.锁教授:我是做理论的,有什么想法,就写下来,这样就有多了一篇文章。

4.Being apppcable to a pathological changes may be descend a Qiu brain and hang, can also used for the Jing Suo varix disease.适用于病变可能在下丘脑及垂者,也可用于精索静脉曲张症。

5.Ersan Yue copies a year, pving in southern Hungary monaco of Suo Kazi people should meet at the traditional spring carnival mask.每年二三月份,居住在匈牙利南部莫哈奇的索卡兹人都要举行传统的迎接春天的假面狂欢节。

6.Tai Sheng Hui suo Hotel Provide enthusiasm for you thoughtful, professional fast service, make your trip perfect.泰盛会所酒店为您提供热情周到,专业快捷服务,使您的旅行尽善尽美。

7.During the three hours he spent wandering in the park, Suo said, the most frequent question he was asked was his salary.他说,在公园闲逛的这三个小时内,自己被问最多的就是工资问题。

8.A mystery solved, Di Gong won the loyalty of the colonial section of the trust, and work together to deal with Turkish aristocratic suo Ge.一件奇案告破,狄公赢得了辅政忠节的信任,联手共同对付突厥贵族娑葛。

9.Suo Jinpeng, 28, said he had gotten seven phone numbers this day from young women or their parents.索金鹏(音译)今年28岁,仅一天时间他就从女方或她们家长那里得到了7个人的电话号码。

10."Elder sister! " That man kid exclaims a , words eventually said behalf Suo, " you tin must not cede us ignore! "“大姐!”那男孩子惊叫一声,话终于说利索了,“你可千万不能抛下我们不管啊!”