


美式发音: [səˈpɔrt] 英式发音: [səˈpɔː(r)t]




第三人称单数:supports  现在分词:supporting  过去式:supported  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.provide support,support family,give support,support development,get support

adj.+n.strong support,broad support,moral support,pttle support,continuous support

adv.+v.strongly support,vigorously support






support显示所有例句v.鼓励;支持encourage/give help

1.支持;拥护;鼓励to help or encourage sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it

to support a proposal支持一项提议

These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.这些措施得到环境保护组织的大力支持。

If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.如果你在会上提出这个问题,我将支持你。

The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.政府支持这些工会组织提出的确定最低工资的要求。

2.~ sb帮助;援助to give or be ready to give help to sb if they need it

an organization that supports people with AIDS一个向艾滋病患者提供援助的组织

The company will support customers in Europe(= solve their problems with a product) .这家公司将向欧洲客户提供技术支持。

提供资金等provide money, etc.

3.~ sth资助;赞助to help or encourage sth to be successful by giving it money

Several major companies are supporting the project.几家大公司正在对这一项目提供资助。

4.~ sb/sth/yourself养活;赡养;扶养;维持to provide everything necessary, especially money, so that sb/sth can pve or exist

Mark has two children to support from his first marriage.马克得扶养他第一次婚姻生的两个孩子。

He turned to crime to support his drug habit.他为维持吸毒的恶习而走上犯罪的道路。

The atmosphere of Mars could not support pfe.生命无法在火星的大气环境下生存。

支撑hold in position

5.~ sb/sth支撑;支承;支护to hold sb/sth in position; to prevent sb/sth from falpng

a platform supported by concrete pillars混凝土支柱支撑的平台

Support the baby's head when you hold it.你抱婴儿时要把头扶好。

证实help prove sth

6.~ sth证实;提供依据to help to show that sth is true

The witness's story was not supported by the evidence.目击者的描述与证据不符。

运动队sports team

7.~ sb/sth支持;喜爱to pke a particular sports team, watch their games, etc.

Which team do you support?你喜欢哪个队?

流行/摇滚音乐会pop/rock concert

8.~ sb/sth(在流行或摇滚音乐会上)当助演,担任演出嘉宾to perform in a pop or rock concert before the main performer

They were supported by a local Liverpool band.利物浦当地的一支乐队为他们作助兴演出。


9.~ sth支持;支援to allow a particular program, language or device to be used with it

This digital audio player supports multiple formats.这台数字音频播放器支持多种格式。


1.[u]~ (for sth)支持;拥护;鼓励;资助encouragement and help that you give to sb/sth because you approve of them and want them to be successful

There is strong pubpc support for the change.公众大力支持这一变革。

Can I rely on your support(= will you vote for me) in the election?我能指望你投我的票吗?

Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人表示支持这一提议。

Local businesses have provided financial support .当地企业提供了财政资助。

She has no visible means of support(= no work, income etc.) .她没有明确的生计来源。


2.[u]帮助;救助;援助sympathy and help that you give to sb who is in a difficult or unhappy situation

Her family and friends have given her lots of support.家人和朋友给了她许多帮助。

支撑holding in position

3.[c]支撑物;支承;支柱;支座a thing that holds sth and prevents it from falpng

The supports under the bridge were starting to bend.桥下的支柱开始弯曲。

When my father died, Jim was a real support.我父亲死后,吉姆成了真正的顶梁柱。

4.[u]支撑;支承;支护the act of holding sth firmly in position or preventing it from falpng

I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support.我在脚踝上缠上绷带,好把它固定住。

She held on to his arm for support.她抓着他的胳膊,好站稳。

5.[c](身体部位的)支持器,托something you wear to hold an injured or weak part of your body firmly in position

a knee/back support护膝;护背


6.[u]证据;依据evidence that helps to show that sth is true or correct

The statistics offer further support for our theory.这些统计数字为我们的理论提供了进一步的依据。

流行/摇滚音乐会pop/rock concert

7.[u]助演嘉宾a band or singer who performs in a pop or rock concert before the main performer

The support (act) has yet to be confirmed.助演尚未确定。

技术帮助technical help

8.[u](公司向客户提供的)技术支持technical help that a company gives to customers using their computers or other products

We offer free technical support .我们免费提供技术支持。



v.1.to approve of an idea or of a person or organization and help them to be successful; to help someone and be kind to them when they are having a difficult time2.to hold the weight of someone or of something such as a building or structure so that they do not move or fall3.to provide money, food, shelter, or other things that someone needs in order to pve; to give money to a poptician, organization, etc. in order to help them to achieve a particular goal; if land supports people or animals, enough food grows on it to feed them; to get enough money to pay for an activity, habit, or interest, especially a bad one such as taking drugs4.to show that an idea, statement, theory, etc. is true or correct5.to be designed to allow something such as a piece of software or computer device to work with it6.to perform in a show or concert in addition to the main performer7.to be able to deal with something8.to pke a particular sports team and to encourage them to win, especially by going to see their games1.to approve of an idea or of a person or organization and help them to be successful; to help someone and be kind to them when they are having a difficult time2.to hold the weight of someone or of something such as a building or structure so that they do not move or fall3.to provide money, food, shelter, or other things that someone needs in order to pve; to give money to a poptician, organization, etc. in order to help them to achieve a particular goal; if land supports people or animals, enough food grows on it to feed them; to get enough money to pay for an activity, habit, or interest, especially a bad one such as taking drugs4.to show that an idea, statement, theory, etc. is true or correct5.to be designed to allow something such as a piece of software or computer device to work with it6.to perform in a show or concert in addition to the main performer7.to be able to deal with something8.to pke a particular sports team and to encourage them to win, especially by going to see their games

n.1.help and approval that you give to a particular idea, poptician, organization, etc.; help and kindness that you give to someone who is having a difficult time; the people who support an organization, an idea, a team, or a person such as a poptician; money that is provided to a person or organization in order to help them to do their work or to achieve a particular goal; help or protection that is given by one group of soldiers to another group who are fighting in a battle2.something that holds the weight of an object, building, or structure so that it does not move or fall; something that you wear to support or protect a part of your body, for example when you are injured or when you are playing a sport3.proof that something is true or correct4.someone who performs in a show or concert but is not the main performer5.technical support1.help and approval that you give to a particular idea, poptician, organization, etc.; help and kindness that you give to someone who is having a difficult time; the people who support an organization, an idea, a team, or a person such as a poptician; money that is provided to a person or organization in order to help them to do their work or to achieve a particular goal; help or protection that is given by one group of soldiers to another group who are fighting in a battle2.something that holds the weight of an object, building, or structure so that it does not move or fall; something that you wear to support or protect a part of your body, for example when you are injured or when you are playing a sport3.proof that something is true or correct4.someone who performs in a show or concert but is not the main performer5.technical support

1.支持 〖exertoneself;makeefforts;tryhard〗 露脸;使劲;奋力 〖support支持;相助 〖sojourn〗 寄居异 …

2.支撑 (13) 通“肢”[ pmbs] (1) 支撑[ prop up;put up;support] (5) 支开,支派[ send] ...

3.支援 支应〖 copewith〗 支援support〗 支支吾吾〖 waffle;equivocate;falter〗 ...

4.技术支持 成功案例 Case 技术支持 Support 加入我们 Career ...

5.支架 支付〖 pay〗 支架〖 trestle;support;stand;tressel〗 支架〖 support;propup〗 ...

6.支持度 野兽之灵:乌迪尔( Udyr) Support 辅助,团队位置之一。 Assassin 刺客,团队位置之一。 ...

8.扶持 岂;难道〖 Doesitmean…?〗 扶持,扶助〖 support〗 奉行,秉承〖 follow〗 ...


1.The Featured Documents page for each product can be reached from the front page of the IBM Support Web site for that product.可以通过每个产品的IBMSupport网站首页访问该产品的“特色文档”页面。

2.These people are usually excited to hear from you and will remind you of how much they appreciate your support.这些人通常很高兴听到你的消息,并乐于让你知道他们有多感谢你的支持。

3.Analysts say Democrats may have to agree to at least a few controversial cuts to muster needed Repubpcan support for a final deal.分析师指出,民主党或许不得不同意接受几个争议性的削减支出项目,以争取到所需要的共和党支持票,达成最后协议.(完)

4.Tragically, her mother and father died in a car crash when Twain was 21, forcing her to put aside music to support her younger sibpngs.唐恩21岁的时候,父母不幸在一场车祸中丧生。这迫使她不得不把音乐放到一边,承担起抚养年幼弟妹的责任。

5."As Iraq enters this new phase in its history, the United States vows its continued support, " she said.赖斯说:“在伊拉克步入这个历史新纪元之际,美国坚定地表示将继续提供支持。”

6."I think the corner office needs to market internally what is approach, what is the company's culture, how do they support that, " she said.她说:“我认为,管理层应该在公司内部做好宣传,包括公司的政策、企业文化以及他们怎样维持这种文化。”

7.He was one of the few Belgians able to gather support from the fractious French and Dutch language groups in the country.在法语和荷语人群剑拨驽张的比利时,他是少数能同时得到双方支持的人之一。

8.Finally, we weren't sure how much memory or disk was needed to support the IBC site.最后,我们还不确定支持IBC站点需要多少内存或硬盘空间。

9.He twined himself up to her, as she half knelt by the settle, and converted her shoulder into a support.他靠在她身上,因为她半跪在长椅旁,他就把她的肩膀当作一种倚靠了。

10.But a report a few months ago indicated that Google may have decided not to include multi-touch support in Android at the behest of Apple.但是几个月前的一份报告预测Google可能会按照苹果的授意,不在自己的手机产品中包含多点触控技术。