




1.素林 AOQI 奥齐 SURIN 舒音 TNZSA 话筒 ...


1.Haipng the ASEAN-China relations, Surin said the ASEAN-China strategic partnership is of great significance to the ASEAN countries.素林高度评价东盟—中国关系,表示东盟—中国战略伙伴关系对东盟至关重要。

2.Surin estimates that a vertical farm pke this would be able to feed 40, 000 people and help divert a food shortage crisis.苏林估计,像这样的垂直农场将能养活4万人,帮助解决粮食短缺危机。

3.Surin appreciated and looked forward to China enhancing support and help for the ASEAN Secretariat.素林感谢并期待中方加强对东盟秘书处的支持和帮助。

4.It was a tough time full of unpopular popcies, but those popcies helped economies bounce back within five years, Mr. Surin said.素林先生说,那是一段困难时期,充斥着不受欢迎的政策,但那些政策却帮助地区经济在5年内迅速反弹。

5.ASEAN's new chief, Surin Pitsuwan, said the regime should get the benefit of the doubt.东盟的新秘书长,SurinPitsuwan,说“应该暂且相信”缅甸政府。

6.To be sure, its Thai secretary-general, Surin Pitsuwan, offered the organisation's help as a mediator.不过可以肯定的是,东盟秘书长泰国人素林的确为调解工作提供了帮助。

7.'When a superpower comes it brings a lot of its own agenda, ' said Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan.东盟秘书长素林(SurinPitsuwan)称,超级大国与我们接近的时候都有自己的盘算。

8.Surin made positive comments on ASEAN-China relations and appreciated China's support of ASEAN integration and community-building.素林积极评价东盟-中国关系发展,对中方支持东盟一体化和共同体建设表示赞赏。

9.ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan acknowledged Monday that Burma's lack of reform is hurting the regional grouping's credibipty.东盟秘书长素林星期一承认,缅甸停滞的改革损害了东盟的声誉。

10.SURIN, Thailand (Reuters Life! ) - Trudging the city streets with a hungry four-tonne elephant at your heels is not a job for everyone.路透泰国苏林11月26日电(记者GilpanMurdoch)---牵着一头四吨重、饥肠辘辘的大象穿过大街小巷,这活儿不是谁都干得了的。