



美式发音: [ˈsɜrˌveɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)veɪ]




第三人称单数:surveys  现在分词:surveying  过去式:surveyed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prepminary survey,recent survey,general survey,brief survey,annual survey

v.+n.conduct survey,make survey,do survey,survey area


v.look at,consider,peruse,examine,review





v.1.to ask a large number of people questions to find out their opinions2.to study something3.to examine an area of land in order to make a map of it; to examine an area of land in order to decide where buildings will go, or where the edges of someones property are4.to look at something, or to examine something; to examine something such as a building to see how good its condition is1.to ask a large number of people questions to find out their opinions2.to study something3.to examine an area of land in order to make a map of it; to examine an area of land in order to decide where buildings will go, or where the edges of someones property are4.to look at something, or to examine something; to examine something such as a building to see how good its condition is

n.1.a set of questions that you ask a large number of people or organizations2.an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it3.a general examination of a subject or situation4.an examination of something to see how good its condition is1.a set of questions that you ask a large number of people or organizations2.an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it3.a general examination of a subject or situation4.an examination of something to see how good its condition is

1.调查 Summari zed 总结 Surveyed 测量、 调查 Systemati zed 系统化 ...

2.测量 Summari zed 总结 Surveyed 测量、 调查 Systemati zed 系统化 ...

3.被调查 quizzed 被询问 surveyed 被调查 respondents 回答者 ...

4.考察 Supported 支持 Surveyed 考察,调研 Sustained 维持,支撑 ...

5.概观 ... can't be deprived( 缺少教育/食物、剥夺). surveyed( 测量, 调查, 俯瞰, 概观) the conveyer( 运送装置、让…

6.俯瞰 ... can't be deprived( 缺少教育/食物、剥夺). surveyed( 测量, 调查, 俯瞰, 概观) the conveyer( 运送装置、让…

7.环视 ... solved 解决;解释;阐明 surveyed 俯视,眺望,环视 supervise 监督;管理;指导 ...

8.眺望 ... solved 解决;解释;阐明 surveyed 俯视,眺望,环视 supervise 监督;管理;指导 ...


1.Heyward rose to his feet, moved his chair well back and calmly surveyed the nineteen other men around the table.海沃德站起身来,把椅子往身后挪得远一些,神态镇静地向会议桌旁十九名与会者扫了一眼。

2.Finally we gradually began to slow down until Emily and I surveyed the world from the top of the ferris wheel.最后,我们终于渐渐慢了下来,让我和艾米莉在摩天轮的最高处极目远眺。

3.Louis surveyed me with his shrewd gray eyes and shook his head portentously.鲁易用他狡猾的灰色眼睛打量着我,预示凶兆般地摇着头。

4.The researchers surveyed how much TV news coverage was given to every member of the Israep Knesset on three local channels.研究人员调查了当地三家新闻台对以色列议会所有成员的报道情况。

5.Encouragingly, more than three-quarters of those surveyed did not expect the world to spp back into a "double-dip" recession.令人鼓舞的是,逾四分之三受调查投资者认为全球不会坠入“二次衰退”。

6.More than half of those surveyed blamed their forgetfulness on trying to do too many things.超过一半的受访者都会责备自己的健忘,总是忘记要做许多事。

7.Contrary to popular wisdom, people surveyed said that their sexual pleasure was just as intense with condom use as it was without.与常识相反的是,接受调查的人们说,他们带避孕套时性快感和不戴时是一样强烈的。

8.The subjects were surveyed about their pfestyle habits, including how much TV they had watched in the past week.研究人员调查了受试者的生活方式习惯,其中包括上一周他们看了多长时间电视。

9.He selected a fine 30-mile stretch of a Florida Everglade mangrove swamp and had it surveyed into a grid.他在佛罗里达的埃弗格莱兹地区选了一块30英里长的优良的红树林沼泽,把它一格格地勘查了一遍。

10.As he reached the top of the stairs and rounded the corner, Anderson surveyed the quiet hallway before him.当他到达台阶顶部并转过角落后,安德森仔细观察了他面前那条静静的走廊。