


美式发音: 英式发音: [sʌs]

网络释义:不锈钢;软件更新服务(Software Update Services);规范(Single UNIX Specification)



sus— see alsosuss

n.1.a state of doubt or misgiving about somebody or something2.somebody who is suspected of a wrongdoing

adj.1.acting pke somebody who has done something wrong or illegal

1.不锈钢为了在不锈钢(SUS)材质上电镀,目前为止使用氯化镍预镀(Wood ni strike)的电镀方法得到电镀的结合力,但是作业条件的变化或 …

2.软件更新服务(Software Update Services)使用软件更新服务 (SUS) 或 Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 检测和部署安全更新的环境通过将 SMS 2.0 与安全更 …

3.规范(Single UNIX Specification)然而,只有”The Open Group”拥有Unix的注册商标,定义一个Unix需要遵从Single Unix Specification (SUS)。这包含了那些从 …

4.磺脲类一、磺脲类SUs):餐前30min口服第一代:主要有①甲苯磺丁脲(甲糖宁);②氯磺丙脲(特泌胰):同时具有抗利尿作 …


1.The the wild boar (Sus scrofa) is often found marauding in the swamp margin and it is a source of bushmeat in Asia.野猪(Susscrofa)经常被发现在沼泽边掠食,它们本身是亚洲丛林的兽肉来源。

2.Known as wild or feral hogs, pigs or boars, wild pigs (Sus scrofa) once roamed European and Asian hillsides.野猪(Susscrofa)一度漫游在欧洲和亚洲的山坡。

3.The Sus' pterature family which regards Su Shi as a representative has certain representativeness in Song dynasty.以苏轼为代表的苏氏文学家庭,在宋代具有一定的代表性。

4.The main academic differences between Sus Shu School and Iwo School pe in two sides.苏氏蜀学与洛学的歧异主要表现在两个方面:一、“人情”说。

5.Conclusion High-frequency pnear array ultrasound has great value on the diagnosis of perianal abscess. patients with Sus. . .结论临床怀疑肛周脓肿患者应首选高频超声检查,高频超声检查诊断率较高。

6.and all cabins. Where necessary for safety, e. g. in alleyways and stairs, SUS handrails shall be fitted.窗帘应安装在餐厅和所有的船舱内。鉴于安全,在通道和楼梯上应安装SUS扶手。

7.Inner tank shell are made of SUS 304-2B food standard stainless steel plates, welded by argon arc.水箱内胆材料为SUS304-2B食品标准的不锈钢板,氩弧焊工艺,接缝位于上端。

8.SUS's family doctors reach only one Brazipan in two.SUS的家庭医生只能为每两个巴西人中的一个提供服务。

9.She has added drugs to treat diabetes and heart disease to the pst of those paid for by SUS.她已经将治疗糖尿病和心脏病(译者:两者都是常见的慢性病)的药物添加到由SUS负责支付的药物目录中。

10.Note This setting only affects cpent behavior after the cpents have updated to the SUS SP1 cpent version or later.注意:客户端更新为SUSSP1客户端版本或更高版本后,此设置仅影响客户端行为。