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1.苏西 NAERS 娜尔思 susie 苏西 III VIVINIKO 薇薏蔻 ...

2.苏茜 susanna 苏珊娜……百合花 susie 苏西……百合花 suzanne 苏珊……一朵小百合 ...

4.杨舒 戚薇 STEPHY 杨舒(主持人) Susie 彭婧 Peng Jing ...

5.苏西希伯来百合花 Setlla 丝特勒西班牙星星。 Susie 苏西希伯来百合花。 Tabitha 泰贝莎希腊小雌鹿。 ...

6.苏西的 诸位胶卷儿,雨天有何好玩的?推荐下: matthew201051 11-5 苏西的 susie 苏西的 susie 11-5 ...

7.素西 一楼给最帅的大硕。。。 ping_tam 3-23 素西 Susie 3-22 一楼给度娘 pnyin1028 3-23 ...

8.苏希 Susanna 苏珊娜:(希腊)百合。 Susie 苏希:(希腊)百合。 Suelyn 苏琳:(希 …


1.Parents can often say, "Oh, Johnny could stay outdoors playing in the dirt all day long, " or "Susie is such a people person" .父母们可能经常说,“哦,约翰尼可以一整天在外面的泥地里玩,”或者“苏茜的人缘很好”。

2.Susie's death seems to justify her abandon of her family, and teach her about the importance of true love and loyalty at the mean time.苏茜的死似乎给了她逃脱的理由,却又教给她真爱和忠诚。

3.When his daughter, also named Susie pke her mother, needed $20 to park at the airport, he made her write him a check for it.有一次他的女儿苏茜--与母亲同名--在机场需要20美元的停车费,巴菲特虽然把钱借给了她,但却要求女儿给自己写一张支票当作偿还。

4.Do you think Susie was right to leave without giving Kathy a chance to explain her attitude?你认为苏茜不给凯茜机会解释自己的态度就离开对吗?

5.Observing all this from the great beyond, Susie gradually figures out that she's not alone in her victimhood.当苏西在乐园中置身事外地观察着这一切时,她渐渐体察到受害的并不只是她自己。

6.The practical goal of society's dating strategy was to get Susie to the altar, if not as a virgin then at least not as a mother-to-be.那个年代的约会策略负载的实际目标,会让苏茜步入婚姻殿堂,即使不是处女,至少也不会怀有身孕。

7.As for me, all I knew was that he was good to me and had a big brown and black German shepherd, Susie, that he brought to play with me.就我而言,我只知道他对我好,他还养了一条硕大的棕黑色德国牧羊犬,名叫苏希。他经常都带着苏希来和我玩。

8.We had wanted to see Susie run, but got caught up in the traffic.我们之前就想看Susie竞选,但是途中遇到交通堵塞了。

9.He is Susie and Mark's 9-year-old biological son. And he already towers over his mother because he is not a dwarf.他是苏丝和马克九岁的亲生儿子,他现在已经比妈妈高了,因为他并不是一名侏儒,身高正常。

10.I told Susie not to go out with any of those city spckers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes.我告诉苏琦不要和那些圆嘴滑舌、衣着讲究的城里人出去玩。