


美式发音: [səˈspektəd] 英式发音: [səˈspektɪd]





adj.1.a suspected injury is one that doctors think you have, but they are not sure yet2.a suspected criminal is one who the courts have not yet proved guilty

v.1.The past participle and past tense of suspect

1.疑似 2、 湿疹 eczema 1、 疑似 suspected 2、 伤口拭子送检 wound swab sent ...

2.怀疑 (keep) 坚持 8. (suspected) 怀疑 9. (In particular) 尤其是 10. ...


4.可疑的 surveillance system 监视系统 suspected 可疑的,有疑问的 suspension 悬挂,悬浮,悬浮物 ...

5.有嫌疑的 surgeon 医师 suspected 可疑的; 有嫌疑的 taboo 禁忌; 禁止的事物 ...

6.被怀疑 up break up 放假,此处指休息半小时,喝点茶; suspected 被怀疑 astonishing 令人震惊的,修饰 …

7.被怀疑可能存在的 suspected adj . 被怀疑的; 被怀疑可能存在的 suspect able adj . 可疑的 ...

8.猜测 multiple denials 是不是数次遭拒,而非加倍否认? suspected猜测? She was dead. 她已经 …


1.Charles Darwin himself suspected the wind of being a fickle and inefficient messenger, and that view has largely held until this day.至于查尔斯·达尔文本人,也觉得风是个三心二意、不讲效率的信使,直到今天,认同这个观点的还大有人在。

2.It was only the next day when a second coughing fit produced a bigger lump that Mrs Osborn suspected something was seriously wrong.直到第二天,又一次咳嗽咳出了更大的肿块时,奥斯本夫人才觉得有问题。

3.The fact that no one was badly hurt, bar one of the suspected jihadists, has made it easier for Britons to shrug off the latest attacks.没有发现有人严重受伤加之一名伊斯兰极端分子疑犯出庭受审使得英国市民更容易从近日的恐怖袭击中解脱出来。

4.These authorities carefully examine the known and suspected risks and benefits of any vaccine prior to its pcensing.为授予疫苗许可,这些机构会严格审核已知或可能的风险与益处。

5.It's just as I suspected. Some birthday parties aren't for the children. They're for the adults who never grew up!正如我所怀疑的,有些生日派对不是为孩子办的,而是为那些从未长大的成人办的!

6.The U. N. resolution states that suspected ships have to agree to be boarded or to divert to nearby ports for formal inspections.联合国决议称,涉嫌船只必须同意接受登船检查,或转向附近港口接受正式检查。

7.I had long suspected he could have autism and our community paediatrician sent him for an assessment.我一直以来都怀疑他患上了孤独症,我们社区小儿科医生把他送去做了一个评估测试。

8.An al-Qaeda or Baathist group was suspected of trying to destabipze Iraq in the run-up to a general election expected in early March.该事件疑为是基地组织或是叙利亚社会党试图在明年3月的大选举行之前破坏伊拉克的稳定局势。

9.Some experts have suspected that the adoption of a more Western diet may be at least partly to blame.一些专家已经怀疑多吃西餐可能是患病的原因之一。

10.I suspected that you were lying to me but I'm still trust you. I hope that you won't deny what you've done.我觉得你好像有一点在骗我但是我相信你没有真的骗我。我希望你敢作敢当!