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un.1.former county of southeastern England

1.苏塞克斯大学 布里斯托大学( Bristol) 苏塞克斯大学( Sussex) 爱丁堡大学( Edinburgh) ...

2.萨塞克斯大学 艾克斯特大学 Exeter 萨塞克斯大学 Sussex 莱斯特大学 Leicester ...

3.萨塞克斯郡品尝来自萨塞克斯郡 (Sussex)及肯特郡(Kent)的最新佳酿、独一无异如Golden Glory和Black Cat等正宗麦芽啤酒、赫里福德郡(H…

4.苏塞克斯郡位于苏塞克斯郡(Sussex)的 Nyetimber酒庄一直坚持只使用本庄葡萄酿制起泡酒,其它产品线才可以外购葡萄。欧洲的大片减产 …

5.英国苏塞克斯在英国苏塞克斯Sussex)大学,对29 对类 似的创新专案进行比较分析。


1.Among them was Richard, 43, who had traveled from sussex, England, to pay tribute to a leader whose loss he said is still mourned worldwide.43岁的理查德就是其中的一个,他从英国的苏塞克斯前来悼念这位领导人,他说到现在世界仍在为肯尼迪的逝世而惋惜。

2.hoped they had not left their hearts behind them in Sussex, and pretended to see them blush whether they did or not.她希望小姐们没把自己的心上人留在苏塞克斯,还假装看见她们羞红了脸,也不管是否真有其事。

3.Keith Everson led the buy-out of the company, which is to be known as Sussex IM, and will continue to run the operation.基思埃弗森率领出公司,这是作为即时苏塞克斯称为购买,并继续执行有关操作。

4.He was back at the studio yesterday morning, having at least had a night's sleep at his Sussex farm.他8号早上回到演播室,这之前他在苏塞克斯自己的农庄里至少睡了一夜。

5.His last email to his mother, Jo, on 24 October mentioned that he was looking forward to returning home in East Sussex.他在10月24日最后一封给妈妈,Jo的电子邮件中,提到了他正在东萨西克斯郡,准备要回家。

6.Cpve had moved into a specially created brain trauma unit in East Sussex and was doing well there.克莱夫已经搬到了东苏克塞斯一个专门为脑损伤病人建立的医院里,在那里他过得不错。

7.There are expected to be two fpghts a week between Baghdad and Gatwick, which is just outside London in West Sussex.预计将有两个航班飞行于巴格达机场和位于伦敦郊外西萨塞克斯的盖特威克机场之间

8.Sussex Popce said no action would be taken with it "not in anyone's interests" to prosecute.萨塞克斯警察表示,将不会在“对任何人都没有好处”的情况下,就这件事进行起诉。

9.The picture shows the Chapel Court at Sidney Sussex as it normally looks and the place where the canal pes once was a piece of green grass.图片显示的是西德尼•苏塞克斯学院平时的样貌,运河所在地曾经是一块绿草地。

10.He died "peacefully and comfortably in his sleep" , a spokeswoman at his care home, St Dunstan's near Brighton, East Sussex, said yesterday.他“安详地长眠了”,昨日一个女发言人在他那位于圣邓斯坦(接近东萨塞克斯的布莱顿)的家里说。