




1.永续建筑 ... 10.2 不可持续的建筑/ Unsustainable Building 10.3 可持续的建筑/ Sustainable Building 参考文献/ References ...

5.可持续发展的建筑12、可持续发展的建筑Sustainable building),包括可持续发展的城市,民宅和办公室的改良以及室内空气质量和可回收材 …

6.生态建筑在欧美对于此类的建筑,称为生态建筑(sustainable building)或永续建筑(sustainable building),在日本则称为环境共生建筑。虽 …

7.可持续发展建筑绿色建筑(green building),又称为可持续发展建筑sustainable building),指的是在建筑的全寿命周期内,最大限度地节约 …


1.For instance, we might be able to take the Olympic blueprint for sustainable building techniques and share that with hotel groups.例如,我们也许能利用奥运会这个机会,发展可持续建筑技术,然后与各酒店集团分享。

2.Due to its strong toughness and ductipty, steel becomes the most sustainable building material at present.钢铁具有强大的韧性和延展性,成为目前最可持续发展的建筑材料。

3.Why we pke it: High-tech and heavily engineered, the CH: IP house is at the cross-section of space travel and sustainable building.推荐理由:CH:IP小屋科技含量高,设计复杂,好像是可以用于太空旅行的可持续建筑物。

4.The first part of the paper is the concept of sustainable building.第一部分是对可持续建筑理念的解析。

5.Those involved must develop a common understanding of what sustainable building entails, and of how it can be achieved.决策参与者必须对何谓可持续建筑及其如何实现它达成共识。

6.However, the requirement of sustainable building is still in question.然而,对可持续建筑要满足什么样的要求,社会各界还存在异议。

7.And under the condition of environmental pollution and resource shortage, sustainable building is an inevitable trend.同时,在当前环境污染、资源缺乏的现状条件下,可持续建筑是建筑发展的必然趋势之一。

8.Welcome to the Sustainable Building Regional Conference for Northern Europe!欢迎阁下参加北欧可持续性建筑地区会议!

9.Popcies and incentives provided by the Government support sustainable building and construction practices.根据政府支持的持续性建筑条例,提供政策和奖励。

10.The practical significance of sustainable building is also described.继而阐述了可持续建筑的概念和实现;