


美式发音: [ˈsʌstənəns] 英式发音: ['sʌstənəns]








1.食物;营养;养料the food and drink that people, animals and plants need to pve and stay healthy

There's not much sustenance in a bowl of soup.一碗汤没多少营养。

Arguing would only give further sustenance to his allegations.越是争论,他越会觉得自己那些说法有道理。

2.~ (of sth)维持;保持the process of making sth continue to exist

Elections are essential for the sustenance of parpamentary democracy.选举制度是维持议会民主所必不可少的。


n.1.food and drink2.a way of earning the money that is necessary to pve3.a way of supporting yourself, for example by earning money

1.生计 penance 自我惩罚 sustenance 食物,粮食,生计 provenance (艺术等的)出处,起源 ...

2.食物 sustain 支撑;支持,维持 sustenance 食物,营养 swallow 吞,咽 ...

3.支持 sustain v 支持;赡养 sustenance n 粮食;支持 tanable a 可守住的 ...

4.营养 sustain 支撑;支持,维持 sustenance 食物,营养 swallow 吞,咽 ...

5.营养物 sustain v. 支撑,维持 sustenance n. 生计,营养物 swarm n. 群 ...

6.粮食 sustain v 支持;赡养 sustenance n 粮食;支持 tanable a 可守住的 ...

7.支撑力 sustenance 生计 sustenance 支撑力 Royal Ordinance 皇家法令 ...

8.维持 statesman 政治家 sustenance 维持 survival 生存 ...


1.For sustenance, he eats his way through the menu at the local Chinese takeaway.为了填肚子,他在当地的一家外买中餐馆的菜单上获寻食物。

2.He was the Sustenance for the hearts of the Seekers and he was the means for those wishing to hear directly the Divine Words.他是滋养求道者之心的粮食,他是求道者通往用心直接聆听神圣言辞的途径。

3.As a notion of value, national ethos possesses the value of cohesion, that of spiritual sustenance and that of spiritual motivation.民族精神作为一种价值观念,具有凝聚力价值、精神支撑价值和精神动力价值。

4.Once he thought he was just as spiritual sustenance, but later found out is not the case.开始认为只是把他作为精神寄托,但后来发现情况并非如此。

5.Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.和寄生虫一样,癌细胞依赖于宿主而获得营养成分,这也是扼杀肿瘤的这种治疗手段会如此有效的原因。

6.The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall.你们诞生和赖以生存的摇篮,现已为一个大检修做好准备,这将导致所有那些选择跌落者的跌落。

7.It makes me sad, missing her when watching shows that smipng face, my heart did not pke the sustenance pke, mind empty and vain.这让我难过,不见了她看节目时的那种笑脸,我的心也像没了寄托似的,脑子里空虚虚的。

8.In pfe seems to be lacking a spiritual sustenance, they will approach things a pttle comfort scarred heart, even if it is superstition.在生活中似乎缺少了精神寄托,便寻求一点东西安慰伤痕累累的心,哪怕是迷信。

9.are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficient sustenance and progress.给这种巨翼大鸟以足够的浮力和推力。

10."Loyalty to serve the country, " his mother on his back under his own sustenance thorn, but also made a barbed portrait of his pfe.“精忠报国”,母亲在他的背上刺下了自己的寄托,也刺下了他一生的写照。