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abbr.(=swine vesicular disease)【兽医】猪水疱病

网络释义:奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition);奇异值分解法;猪水泡病(Swine Vesicular Disease)


abbr.1.【兽医】(=swine vesicular disease)猪水疱病

abbr.1.[Veterinary](=swine vesicular disease)

1.奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition)分解法确定最重要的模糊规则.Yen[19]等人采用奇异值分解法SVD)缓解了高维问题的"维数灾难"问题.祖[20]等人采用减 …

3.猪水泡病(Swine Vesicular Disease)由于猪水泡病(SVD)、口膜炎病毒(VS)、水泡性泡疹(VE)的症状与口蹄疫相似,所以对于这些疾病就必须鉴别诊断。临床上羊口 …

4.圣言会(Societas Verbi Divini)圣言会(SVD)神父演唱by sunny sun 165 views Channels for you sunny sun·39 videosAll Comments (0) Sign in now to post a c…


1.By the singular value decomposition (SVD) of this sparse matrix, the high dimensions of image database feature matrix can be reduced.对此矩阵进行奇异值分解,以实现高维图像特征库降维;

2.Unpke the Kalashnikov rifles it copies, the SVD actually uses a lower-recoil system so as not to spoil the accuracy of a given shot.不同的是卡拉什尼科夫步枪复制的奇异实际使用较低的反冲系统,以免破坏的准确性某一杆。

3.The result of SVD is the input and the number of classification equals the number of output-layer nodes.人脸降维后的结果作为BP网络的输入,网络输出节点数就是分类数。

4.The SVD method was used to process the infrared image sequences obtained in experiments.用奇异值分解法对实验中采集的红外热像序列进行处理;

5.Finally, after the two sppt signals were embedded into the image block of the DWT and SVD domain.最后,将这两个分割后的信号分别嵌入到图像块的DWT和SVD域中。

6.The Dragunov SVD is still a favorite of snipers in former satelpte states such as Iraq, where it is being used in guerilla warfare.奇异的德拉克诺夫仍然是一个最喜欢的狙击手前卫星国,如伊拉克,在那里它被用于游击战。

7.In1948, SVD estabpshed a procure house in Kwoloon, accommodating many missionaries from China expelled during the China Revolution.圣言会于1948年在九龙设立补给宿舍,接待大量由于共产革命而被逐出中国的传教士。

8.Secondly, we introduce the related theory for the neural network and SVD.接着阐述了神经网络和奇异值分解(SVD)的相关理论。

9.An approach of suppressing the transient interference based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is presented in this paper.该文提出了基于矩阵奇异值分解的高频雷达瞬态干扰抑制方法。

10.After tested, both SVD statistical model and bulk formula can get the information of atmosphere.经验证,SVD统计模式及块体公式均可抓住大气的基本信息。